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In the early morning, Seokjin got a formal business like call inviting him as in Seo-jin to meet up. This sent shivers down his spine. He had a bad feeling about this but, he did want to go. He didn't forget to take Taehyung with me because he was also called for.

This time, he dressed in a red long dress and held onto Taehyung's hands.

"Tae. Baby, you have to control yourself OK? Even if you like him, it doesn't mean he likes you so, you shouldn't start hugging or touching him OK?"

"What if he allows me?"

"... Do you really think it will be OK? I mean he called us at a public place so it will be OK. Don't ask him questions he might get creeped out by. Start with nice things and if he accepts then continue. We don't want your beloved to run away before getting to know you right."

Seokjin was having a little panic attack and was talking nonsense to Taehyung. He didn't know what he was saying but he was saying it and of course he was speeding through the words while clutching onto his bag.

Hoseok was still in his pajamas because his work starts at 9. Sitting at the counter table, he was still sleepy when Taehyung yelled, "A power hug for our safety!"

Hoseok knew that he was asking for a group hug and had to walk to the living room. He was not a morning person but he went to go hug his two favorite friends.

After departing from their house to the cafe, Seokjin kept getting a bad premonition but he kept ignoring it.

They looked at the cafe and saw many expensive black cars around it. There were many men in black but they didn't do anything and everyone behaved like it was normal.

"This usually happens when big people come here, its actually normal if not a flock of girls come to awe at the handsome rich men." Taehyung said as if he did a background check on the entire place.

They walked in and a waiter smiled and lead them to the highest floor. There was no one else there which meant that the entire floor was reserved. On the other side, Jungkook was sitting opposite to someone. Seokjin couldn't see them because his back was turned to them.

They walked to Jungkook and smiled.

"Noona! Over here!" Jungkook waved and smiled. Seokjin could feel Taehyung's legs going jelly. It was really cute how one smile could make him so weak.

Seokjin walked and sat beside Jungkook and finally froze when looking at the other person. It was the kisser. As their eyes met, Seokjin blushed and averted his eyes.

It was as if Jungkook and Taehyung hit it off magically. They both were talking to each other and Seokjin didn't have a chance to join in. And of course, he had a pair of dark eyes watching his every move making him uncomfortably red.

"We meet again." Namjoon finally broke their silence.

"Yes. We do. Mr. Kim." Seokjin smiled at him. He couldn't avoid him anymore.

"Would you like to tell me your original name Mrs. Kim?" Namjoon smiled while putting his chin on his hand.

"I'm not Mrs. Kim. It's Miss for now." Seokjin said.

"Yes for now... Now tell me before I force it out." Namjoon said softly but held frost in his words.

"It doesn't matter. And, if you may excuse me, I need to go use the washroom." Seokjin said and stood up. He headed for the washroom on the opposite side of the table.

As soon as he was about to go inside, he was muffled and pulled away. He tried struggling and yelling but it was of no use. After a moment, he was injected with something and he passed out.

Oh no! Seokjinnie's kidnapped!!! What's gonna happen now? I bet Namjoon's gonna go psycho because he wouldn't talk to him.

I just want to laugh. Please stay tuned for the next chapter coming up tomorrow!!

Please vote comment and idk read. I love you allllll.

Because Of The Dress [Namjin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora