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Namjoon grabbed Jackson's collar and was about to land a punch on his face when Jackson said, "there's movement in the area. My parts gonna go down in a few months, the next one is yours. Don't you. Wanna know more?"

He was suddenly let go. Jungkook without a word grabbed Jackson and Yoongi punched him in the face while Namjoon frantically paced upstairs.

He banged down each door and looked inside it, finally he found a room with a lump on the bed. Seokjin was completely hidden in the soft blanket.

After singing karaoke for the past one hour on Jackson's favorite song '100 ways' Seokjin did exactly as said. He took a sleeping pill and fell asleep.

When Namjoon pulled the covers, he saw an ethereal face hidden slightly in the pillow.

When Namjoon pulled the covers, he saw an ethereal face hidden slightly in the pillow

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Namjoon felt soft for a moment before his eyes turned cold again. Seokjin was wearing a loose tee which dangled down his shoulder revealing the pale skin.

He carried the beauty in his hands and threw away the blanket. A pair of long smooth legs were revealed. It looked too tempting for Namjoon. Removing his own suit jacket, he put it on him(Jin) and carried him out.

Jackson was sitting on the sofa with an ice pack on his face.

"Don't you dare come to my parents house again. Go back to your own home you bastard. We'll talk tomorrow." Namjoon said without stopping.

Jackson nodded and said a few more sarcastic words like, "give him some meds for his throat... After using his voice for so long, it might have roughened."

Ignoring him, the three got into the car. Yoongi was driving while Jungkook was beside him. Namjoon was in the back with Seokjin in his lap. He wouldn't let his eyes stray from the face.

They arrived at another mansion, specifically Namjoon's mansion. All the servants looked at their master bringing in a half naked beauty in his arms. All the maids' thoughts went wild.

The butler worriedly looked at his master and bowed.

"Shall I get the doctor?"

"Yes, please send him to my room." Namjoon said walking in.

Seokjin who was asleep for a long time started turning in Namjoon's embrace. To make sure he doesn't fall, Namjoon set him on the bed and tucked him in. Seokjin cuddled a pillow and went back to sleep.

The doctor arrived within minutes and checked Seokjin's throat. It was a little sore, so he was prescribed drinking medicine. After the doctor left, Namjoon's gaze went over Seokjin's entire body and hoped not to see any marks around the place.

He went inside the bathroom and turned on the shower head. He walked in fully clothed into the cold water, banging his hand on the wall he tried to calm the heat which was developing in his abdomen as well as his heart.

On the other hand, Seokjin got up lazily and ruffled his hair looking around.

-----------------------------------------------------------So! Namjoon got him! Yay! That was a nice thing to do. Now... Hehehehe what will happen to me?

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