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A week passed with Seokjin staying with Namjoon. On the first few days, Seokjin was getting comfortable because Namjoon didn't show up at night, but on the third day, Namjoon came into the room in the middle of the night.

He stared at Seokjin and looked at his shinning skin. Though he wanted to touch him, he couldn't wake him up. Slowly walking to the other side, he sat down on the bed and softly pulled the blanket so it covered both him and Seokjin.

Feeling the cool air coming at his side, Seokjin huddled into the warmth on the other side. Namjoon didn't stop him. If Mrs. Kim willingly went to Mr. Kim, it wasn't his fault. Namjoon went and put his large palm around his waist and pulled him closer. Being stuck like glue, he placed his head on Seokjin's neck and fell asleep.

The fourth day was the same, but the fifth day, Namjoon arrived before Seokjin slept. It was obvious that he wanted to hear his voice. Being caught up in many things, Namjoon couldn't get time for his Seokjin.

The guards worked hard in Africa and 100 well's werea almost dug. There were about 40 more left. Seeing them work so hard, Namjoon added another 50 wells to their list.

Yoongi managed to call them back because Namjoon wasn't going to let them anytime soon.

On the sixth day, Namjoon disappeared until the seventh day's morning. Seokjin went to work daily and arrived back at the mansion at the given time. He didn't dare to go back to his own apartment. That is if he wanted Namjoon to drag him back.

These days, he really tested his thought. What was happening and why was he involved. The main cause was... The dress. If he didn't wear that stupid dress for Jessica, he wouldn't be caught up with Namjoon! He would be spending his time at his place relaxing while talking to his two closest people!

The next time someone asks him to wear a dress, Seokjin would likely rip the dress to pieces and use it as a table cloth! Wearing the dress was his biggest mistake ever, he would never wear it no matter who tells him to.

Having this thought, Seokjin went out and sat in the car that Namjoon assigned to him. The car was just one thing but it driver was a plus. He could go anywhere and everywhere, but return back before 7.

This day, he went into the store as usual and then waited for any customers to come. He spent the day inside the shop working.

When it was 6:30, the driver parked the car in front of the shop, but no one came out. It was unusual because Seokjin would always be out waiting for him at this time. The driver went in and asked on of the staff about Seokjin but they said that he already left at 6.

That was odd. He had to notify his boss about this. He didn't know where Seokjin went, he was scared of his boss, but he would rather get beaten up after telling them about Seokjin than to get shot because he didn't bring Seokjin home before 7.

-----------------------------------------------------------It's so troublesome to be WWH. I mean, you get kidnapped 4 times a week for... No reason! (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ

So! Please stay tuned to find out what happens next. Thank you!

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