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Namjoon stared at the sleeping beauty in his arms. He didn't know if it was because of the dress or because of his silhouette in his arms, he didn't want to continue to keep him up anymore. Only he himself knew how much he tolerated this thin figured man. He couldn't bare to see too much discomfort on his face. Brushing his hands across the beauties face, he let them rest on his neck. The passed out man didn't move as Namjoon fiddled with his face. He looked closer and closer and at last realized that Seokjin still had some of his juice in his mouth.

He smirked to himself. He won't do anything about that at all. Let him keep it there, its as of he had been marked. Slowly, he drifted off looking at Seokjin. Ah, he really didn't want to get off the plane. Namjoon woke up after an hour or so before they were going to reach. Maybe because Seokjin had fainted, but he wasn't waking up.

Namjoon carried him out the plane when they landed and took him to the hospital before anything more. The doctor looked at him and then checked his eyes and his mouth.

"It's nothing serious, I think he was having a rough round. The temperature changes didn't help and he's most likely to get sick soon. He needs to rest properly for one week. No aggregated activities and the medicine I'm gonna prescribe... " the doctor kept rambling while Namjoon stared at Seokjin.

He took him to his room and set him down. He looked at the boy and then at the marks he's made. Not knowing what to do, he started walking out the room. He went through some papers and then started typing away on the laptop.

Thinking it through, it was a lot. Looking at the screen he sighed.

'Why would I go crazy for him?'

He first met Seokjin in a bar while the other was cross dressing. It was interesting how beautiful he looked, ethereal enough for Namjoon to rethink his sexuality.

Oh well, there's no changing that he got completely captured by Seokjin. Wrapped around his smooth fingers.

It wasn't so bad after all right? He can always step in and protect him from bastards... Wouldn't he?

Of course he should. After finding a sparkle of hope in his unwanted life, he can finally choose to stay together with someone he 'loves'.

Namjoon just doesn't want to loose him at all.


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