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"We've found them, their in Russia. The plane will be ready to departure in half an hour. Please prepare yourselves." Jungkook said on the phone. He was talking to Namjoon. They were getting ready to go to Oymyakon to retrieve Seokjin and Jimin.

"Boss. There is a flight coming this way it will set off in an hour or so. The airport got notified to clean the runway." Mr. Ahn didn't leave the smile on his face hearing the news.

"Make new passports for the three of us, we will be heading out from here. There is another airport around here right? How far is it?" Mr. Ahn asked.

"About two hours." The man who gave the news said. He was standing beside Haneol. Haneol was sitting on a chair near the office table.

"How about we go on a six hour flight to somewhere warmer for the baby?" Mr. Ahn said looking up to the man. He bowed and left Haneol alone. It was as if he knew exactly where they could go to.

Haneol picked up the landline and asked for everyone to pack their things. They were going to leave really soon.

Seokjin found Jimin playing around with the penguins who had already considered him one of their own. The two penguins that didn't move were actually sitting on eggs. They realised it when they saw a little baby poke its head out of the penguins feet. It seemed like they were all staying to protect their sibling.

Seokjin couldn't handle the cuteness and started to play along with them. At first he was afraid but then he got used to them. They were soon told to pack because everyone was leaving. They didn't carry anything with them so they just went out to the compact car.

Sitting at the back, Jimin's sweater started to bulge at it's belly. Seokjin looked at him and gasped. Jimin giggled and then whispered, "Hyung. I'm pregnant."

Seokjin looked down at him. How was that possible? He looked at the stomach which wasn't bulging a few hours ago start to move. Then suddenly a little furry penguin popped out from under the sweater.

"Oh. I was pregnant with a penguin. Doesn't he look adorable?" Jimin said laughing.

Haneol turned around and then asked, "Am I the god father?"

"No." Jimin said looking away from him.

"Where are we going?" Seokjin asked.

"Somewhere warm." Haneol said, "go get some sleep you two. And I don't think the baby is allowed in warmer places."

"But I want to keep it. Research says it can." Jimin said looking at him.

"Have it your way. If it dies, you throw it away quickly." Haneol said turning back around.

They took a short nap and were boarded onto a passenger plane.

"We don't have passports." Seokjin said.

"Yes you do. Now go in and change into this. We can head out without any problems." Haneol said and a man passed him a bag.

Seokjin didn't want to wear anything given by them, so he didn't take it. The guard looked at him and sighed.

"Wear it or I'll shoot the peng-" the guard couldn't even complete his words while Seokjin grabbed the bag and headed into the bathroom.

He came out wearing a fully white coat white heeled boots and a grey wig going to his shoulders. Bundled in layers and layers of cute clothes, he looked feminine. If someone looked at him, they would clearly state he was a girl. Mr. Ahn grabbed his hand and lead him inside.

When checking for the passport, he was given a name Sarah Ahn and Jimin was Jonathan Ahn, the wife and son of Haneol. Without looking suspicious, they boarded the plane and didn't encounter anyone who could rescue them.

🥺🥺🥺 Namjoon... Hurry.

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