Chapter Forty.

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  Aubrey was still radiating with joy two days later, sitting on her bed listening to music. She and James were dating! She smiled wider as she flicked through songs on the radio. It was amazing, though they hadn't hung out much since Christmas. She had to assume his parents wanted to spend more time with him.

Her home's landline rang, and she quickly picked it up. "Hello?" She asked, expecting to hear James' or Eliana's voice on the other end. Instead, Lexi's soft voice drifted through the phone.

"Hey are you busy? Everyone else is. Um, sorry I shouldn't have called. I just needed help with something-"

"What do you need help with?" She asked, a little bit surprised to hear from Lexi. She was nice to hang around with every once in a while, but she really only seemed to be interested in hanging out with Eliana or James.

"I need help organizing my bookshelf and I don't know how, but I saw how organized yours was..." Lexi trailed off as if thinking.

"Of course! You want me to head to your house? I'll drive there." Lexi murmured a small 'okay, thanks' and hung up. Aubrey frowned and put down the phone. It's not that Aubrey didn't like Lexi, she did, it's just that Lexi didn't seem to like her all that much. Not when she could hang out with energetic Eliana, or kind and considerate James. Aubrey honestly had no idea what her own personality was.

She just shrugged off her coat and walked to the front door, grabbing her car keys off of the little hook usually reserved for hanging coats.

She was still absolutely overjoyed that she had a car of her own to ride in, and perfectly pleased that she didn't have to call over James and Eliana over every five seconds to drive her. Also a little disappointed.

She got in her car, content to just listen to the rumble of her car roaring to life. It was loud for sure, but a constant reminder that she had a car.

No casual foster home would give their teen a car if they weren't planning on keeping them. To Aubrey it was more than just transportation, it was a promise. She pulled up Lexi's address in her car's GPS then started the drive. In a shockingly short amount of time, she had arrived.

Aubrey walked up to her driveway, which was perfectly pristine, and knocked on the door. Everything about Lexi's house screamed I HAVE THE POWER OF MONEY AND PERFECTION ON MY SIDE. From the intricately carved door, to the polished windows, to the insane Porsche 911 gt1 on their driveway. Seriously. They had a freaking sports car in their driveway. Aubrey hesitantly knocked on the door trying to keep her petty fear in check. Just as hesitant as her knock, Lexi gently opened the door. She peeked out, and opened it a little wider when she saw Aubrey.

"Hi." She murmured quietly, inviting her in.

Aubrey stifled a gasp as she stared at the marble flooring, beautiful chandelier, and open spaced structure of the house.

"Your house is awesome!" Aubrey said, turning to smile at Lexi. Lexi on the other hand, pursed her lips as if in disagreement. Aubrey did kind of understand that though. Aubrey's house was warm and radiated a kind of family feeling. This house seened cold, and the only feeling she got from this house is I"M SUPER RICH!! BASK IN MY PRESENCE!

"Um, should I take my shoes off?" Aubrey asked, still ogling at the many wonders her house offered. Lexi just shrugged, but Aubrey took them off anyway.

"So your bookshelf needs organizing?" Aubrey prompted.

"Yeah it's a bit of a mess-" She was immediately interrupted by a tall, thin woman with brown hair and eyes so dark they looked black. After a moment she recognized her as Lexi's mom. "Hello Ma'am." Aubrey said, bowing her head. The woman smiled coldly at her, then turned to her daughter.

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