Chapter Twenty Four.

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Aubrey sat in her room, thinking over the event from the night before for the thousandth time. Did her parents know? Probably, James spent half of his day in the stables, and the other half at school or hanging out with Eliana and Aubrey. Still. A buzz sounded from her phone, snapping her out of her thoughts. She picked it up and looked at a text message from Eliana.

Eliana: Can we hang out??

Eliana: I am sooooooo bored.

Eliana: ...

Eliana: ...

Eliana: Anyyyone?

Lexi: Elly, it's 5am. What the heck are you doing up?

Oh, and they had added Lexi to the group chat. Without checking with Aubrey. Which was fine, she didn't care at all. Also, Lexi just randomly started calling Eliana, Elly. Which was

kinda cool and clever, and made Aubrey wonder why she didn't think of it first.

Eliana: Just seeing if anyone wants to go out for coffee.

Lexi: I will!!

Eliana: Great! Anyone else?

James: k

Aubrey: I will go

Eliana: Great! I'll pick up Aubrey, James you pick up Lexi.

James: k

Aubrey: k


Eliana: *Sighs dramatically* Never mind.

Aubrey turned off her phone and shot up off her bed, startling Aurther.

"Waaaaaaatcha doing?" Leon said, popping his head into her room.

"None of your business." She said, grabbing her bag.

"Wellllllllllllllllllllllll it actually is." He said with a grin. "I gotta stick with you for the day."

Aubrey whirled around in the middle of pulling on a sweatshirt. "What?"

He snorted and walked into her room. "I'm going to be following you today."


"Well I'm not exactly thrilled either. Mom told you to let me come along even though it's probably going to be boring.."

Aubrey immediately shoved past him and leaned over the stairs banister.

"MOM?" She shouted.

"Yes Aubrey?" She said, sticking her head out of the kitchen.

"Does Leon have to come with me?"

She nodded and went back to the kitchen, which was starting to smell like cinnamon and nutmeg. Aubrey turned around spotting a very smug looking Leon with crossed arms.

"You look real bored." Aubrey muttered angrily. He laughed and pulled on shoes. "Sorry I have to come along." He said, the smug smile still on his face.

"Oh I bet you begged Mom to let you come along."

He shrugged and walked out the door, waving at Eliana. Aubrey laughed and shook her head, walking to the car.

"Hey Aub! What's up? Aaaaaaand what's up with the tag along...?" Eliana asked.

"Mom said he has to come along, but I suspect he asked to come."

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