Chapter Twenty Nine.

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 "Are you sure?" Aubrey asked for the thousandth time.


"Are you sure you're sure?"

James' exasperated voice came from the other side of the phone, "Yes, but I'll increase the payment by five dollars every time you ask me if I'm sure." Aubrey snorted.

"I thought you were tutoring me for free!"

"That was before you flooded me with apologies. Stop apologizing. I would much rather hang out with you than sit on the floor of my bedroom contemplating life."

There was a pause. "Are you sure?"

"That's five dollars."

"No!" She cried, a smile lighting up her face.

"See you in fifteen minutes, okay?"

"Okay, see you then." Aubrey said, hanging up her phone. She sighed in relief. She really didn't want to fail this test, it would drag her 80% down to a 60%. Which would suck. Exponentially.

She put all her math work and her study guide in a neat little pile, and went to her bedroom to relax until James showed up. She flicked through some movies, finally deciding on "The Truman show". Watching that show in the theater was honestly one of the coolest things she had ever seen. A small buzz came from her home's landline, so she picked it up. "Hello?" She asked, kind of hoping it was James.
"Oh hey!" Eliana said.

"Oh, hi Elly." Eliana snorted.

"No need to sound so excited." She said.

"That's not it! I'm just waiting on James."

"Oooh why?"



"Hey!" Aubrey cried.

"Look, it's not my place to judge."

"Eliana, you know it's not like that."

"Suuuuuure, just remember to-"

"Shut up Elly."

Eliana laughed, and she heard a little cough. They both went quiet, listening.

"Is someone else using your landline?" Eliana asked. Aubrey immediately ran downstairs spotting Leon listening in on the other phone.
"Leon I swear to-"

"Aubrey's dating James!" He shouted, dropping the landline to run away from her.

"I'm not!" She shouted, as her Mom stuck her head out of the kitchen.

"Are you?" She asked, with a smile. "I mean, it is not all that surprising, we have been expecting it for a while now-"

"I'm not!" Aubrey shouted again.

"Okay..." She said, not looking particularly convinced.

"Mom, shut up."

"Okay, fine! But you are not getting a slice of pie."


"Because you shouted at me."

Aubrey sighed, "Fine, I'm sorry."

"Good." Their conversion came to an abrupt halt by the sound of a door bell. "I see you invited James over."

"For a tutoring session."

"Whatever you say Aubrey."

She shot her mom one last withering glare, before putting on a smile and opening the front door.

Aubrey Garcia's Journey home.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin