Chapter Sixteen.

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"Let's go to the mall."

Aubrey frowned and looked over from organizing saddles.

"What?" She asked.

"Let's go to the mall," Eliana said slowly and carefully.

Aubrey huffed, and plastered on a smile. "If you want to I guess..." She trailed off at the sound of Eliana laughing.

"Your face!" Eliana howled with laughter.

"What?" She asked for the second time in two minutes.

"We're only going to get food and books, calm down."

Aubrey sighed with relief. She really did not want to go clothing shopping right now. She grinned at Eliana and said, "Okayyyy I guess i'll come!" Eliana grinned right back at her, and plopped down on a stool. "Wait," Aubrey said with a frown. "We need to finnish this first." Aubrey said looking around at their work in the barn. Eliana shrugged. "James will do it!" James, who had just finished putting away some helmets from riding lessons, looked up at them curiously.

"What now?" He asked.

"You're doing the rest of the work!" She sang cheerily.

Without hesitation he nodded and said, "Okay."

Eliana cheered, pumping her hand in the air.

'Wait but-" Aubrey started before Eliana grabbed her wrist and started dragging her to the exit.

"Sorry James!" She called out to him. "You're the best, I'll make it up to you later!" She shouted.

He grinned at her and shouted back, "Anything for you Aubrey!" Then. He. Winked. Aubrey felt heat rising up her cheeks, just as Eliana gave a final tug and James disappeared out of sight.


When Aubrey walked into the book store, she felt her heart soar. Her face lit up, and her smile grew about a mile at the sight of so many books. She immediately ran off to go find a stack of books to buy.

"Woah! No need to wait up for me!" Eliana shouted, but Aubrey was already zooming over to a stand that read 'Fahrenheit 451, rare signed copy' She immediately scooped it up in her arms and sprinted off to the young adult section. "Oooh it's mental health awareness month!" She said, scooping up at least 3 books before booking it to another stand. She sighed and leaned against a bookshelf with a dreamy smile on her face.

"You really like books don't you." Said Eliana, who had snuck up behind her.

Aubrey nodded, breathing in the smell of her books.

"Ew." Said Eliana wrinkling her nose.

Aubrey just sighed again. "Let's go check out lover girl. Wouldn't want you spending all your money while you're here, your Mom would kill me."

Aubrey laughed, "Sara wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Well you clearly haven't seen her angry."

At that they cracked up. They walked out the door with some food from the cafe, five books, and smiles on their faces. 

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