Chapter Fifteen.

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Aubrey woke up with a scream. Hot tears streamed down her face, and she curled up under her blanket. She sobbed quietly, muffling her cries with a pillow. 'My fault.' The words echoed in her head, and another round of sobs overtook her.

She heard the door open, but she didn't get up. There was a small creaking sound from her mattress as someone sat down. Sara gently pulled the covers off of Aubrey, leaving her feeling exposed. Sara pushed Aubrey's hair out of her eyes, and started to hum quietly. Soon Aubrey felt her eyes get heavy, and she closed them tightly. The soft humming remained, drifting through the air. Aubrey slowly fell asleep.


Sunlight drifted through an open window, casting golden rays in Aubrey's eyes. She opened them, carefully searching. She wasn't sure what for. She sat up, her hair covering her eyes momentarily. She suddenly remembered last night. She slipped out of bed, grabbing her paints, and sketchbook.

She opened her window seeing the morning suns rays streaking across the sky, golden colors highlighting every inch of land. She carefully climbed out her window paint and paper in tow, she sat down on the roof and began to paint. She watched as the sunrise grew on her paper, the moment frozen in time like a picture.

She didn't look up when a figure sat beside her. She didn't need to. James and her sat side by side watching the sunrise, and even when the sun finished it's tiresome climb they stayed. For just one more moment. 

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