Chapter Six.

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"Let us pray." Mrs. Sara said with a kind smile. "God, we thank you for everything you have blessed us with from the food in front of us to the roof over our head." She paused to look at everyone for a moment before continuing. "We thank God for all he has done for us, keeping us safe through tough times. And we thank the Lord for bringing Carter to us all those years ago."

Aubrey raised her eyebrows. She had kinda just assumed that Carter was biological, he fit in so well with this family that Aubrey couldn't tell he wasn't related. In most foster homes she had been treated like a sick person. She was pitiful, yet something you wouldn't normally want around you or your family. 

"And last but not least, God we thank you for bringing Aubrey Garcia to us. Amen" Everyone echoed the word. "Now that's over with, lets dig in!" Said Mr. Michael. Aubrey stared in shock as everyone attacked the pizza on the table like predators hunting prey. She carefully examined how much everyone was serving themselves, and tried to base her own serving sizes on that. Aubrey had learned pretty quickly that if she took to much food she would be punished, and if she took too little she would be pitied. She wasn't sure she liked either side of that spectrum, so it was best to take slightly less food then everyone else, but not too little. Aubrey patiently waited while everyone grabbed two to three slices of pizza each. 

"You know you don't have to wait, right?" James announced with a look of amusement on his face. She blinked, and then grabbed a small slice of pizza, and a quarter apple. She got a few weird looks and she flushed with embarrassment. It wasn't like she wasn't hungry, she was, but if she ate too much Aubrey knew it would end in either a stomachache or vomit, and neither of those sounded very fun. Aubrey ate slowly, savoring each bite. She internally noted where the leftovers were being stored. 

Soon she was one of the only ones at the table, only Mrs. Sara remaining with her. She had finished long ago, but for some reason hadn't left the table. Aubrey frowned with annoyance at the pitiful expression on her face. I bet she thinks i'm lonely, She thought angrily. Mrs. Sara smiled at her like she could read Aubrey's thoughts.

"Do you like your room? Mr. Florence said you liked the color blue." Aubrey tilted her head in confusion. She had talked to Mr. Florence? She felt a twinge of guilt, before arriving Aubrey hadn't even asked for their names much less favorite colors. 

"It's fine." Aubrey snapped. 

Mrs. Sara nodded. "I was like you when I was younger."

Aubrey flinched. "Oh, so you were in the foster system for four years?" She asked sarcastically, but Sara just smiled. Why didn't she seem angry? She was supposed to get angry. 

"No, dear." Mrs. Sara 

Just before Aubrey could say 'I thought so', Mrs Sara muttered, "Seven years."

Aubrey's face must have been very shocked, because Mrs. Sara laughed. "I was in the foster system for seven years" Said Mrs. Sara softly. "I'm sorry..." Aubrey murmured, and she felt embarrassment and shame creep up her cheeks. 

 Mrs. Sara shook her head, "There's no need for you to be sorry my child." She paused for a moment.

"What I meant was that you remind me of how I acted. I was... well, a little stubborn."

Aubrey opened her mouth to argue, but Mrs. Sara interceded.

"Perhaps 'spirited' would be a better fitting word." She offered with a semi-amused smile. "I think I should get ready for bed." She got up and walked to her bedroom, before turning around to face her. "Oh and Aubrey? Goodnight." She said, leaving Aubrey alone in the dining room. 

Aubrey grabbed her plate in a trance and placed it on the counter, running her fingers through her blonde hair. They'll be just like everyone else. Hissed a small voice. Just give them time. 

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