Chapter Twenty.

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The little girl screamed, bile rising in her throat. She stumbled towards the cliff, sobbs racking her shoulders. When she spotted the car she had been in just seconds ago. She vomited ,tears streaking down her cheeks.

The car was a crumpled mass at the bottom of the cliff where beautiful trees swayed in the wind as if nothing had just happened. She staggered down the cliff, finding foot holds as she slowly picked her way down. One minute later the little girl crawled towards the car her now injured leg screaming in protest.

The father's broken body lolled out of the window, the car overturned. She tugged at her father's hand begging him to wake up she screamed for her father to stand up, that they needed to go home. Her silver locket glinted in the sunlight, the golden rays mocking her with their beauty. The pain from the little girl's leg finally caught up to her, darkness creeping at the edges of her vision.

Aubrey woke up with a scream.

Aubrey Garcia's Journey home.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя