Chapter Ten.

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The next week went fine. Mostly. Aubrey still hadn't told anyone about the panic attack. She was still ashamed, and ridiculously worried. Keeping things steady in a foster home was hard enough, and panic attacks only made thins worse. A kid would be easy enough to deal with, but a kid who has mental illnesses gets sent back pretty quickly. 

Aubrey wasn't ever going to make that mistake again.

She hung out with James and Eliana every morning, getting coffee, hot chocolate, or whatever they were hungry for at the time. Seriously. They got pizza one morning. Pizza. Surprisingly, when Aubrey went to Sara about getting a job in the stables, the woman agreed immediately and helped set up a schedule with her. Within the hour James, Eliana and Aubrey were all set in terms of the amount of hours everyone would be working, as well as the pay. Aubrey was more then a little shocked at how quickly she had gotten paid, and was even more shocked that she had money in the first place. Well, legally acquired money anyway.

 Aubrey smiled as she groomed the white horse, whose name was actually Beowulf. Aubrey had laughed when she heard the stallions name. "Beowulf?" She cackled at that, earning her a frown from Eliana. "Yeah. I know it's a bit of an odd name but its actually-" 

"Named after the poem, I know." Aubrey had interjected with a grin, "that's why it's so funny."

She combed the stallion's hair, making repetitive circular motions with the curry comb. It was calming, grooming a horse, all the repetitive motions making her shoulders relax after long days of stress. Even though nothing horrible had occurred during her few weeks with the Williams', Aubrey was still wary of them. She felt like some part of her was waiting for them to mess up, just waiting for a moment to shout 'I told you it'd be the same.' She felt like some part of her always would. 

James and her worked in comfortable silence for a while, with the occasional question or comment. Hanging out with James was always calming. He didn't ask too many questions, or feel the need to fill EVERY SECOND OF SILENCE WITH TALKING! (*cough* *cough* Eliana, *cough* *cough*) Even though it was fun to hang out with Eliana, hanging out with James was always more relaxing than exiting. Though she couldn't push back the feeling that she didn't belong sometimes. The thought weighed on her chest, and she suddenly felt like it was hard to breathe. Instead of thinking, she tried to focus her thoughts on the movement of the brush, how it cut through all the dirt and grime, how it made the horse's coat soft to the touch. Which of course didn't work, because her mind seemed hell bent on thinking whatever disgusting thoughts it felt was needed. Aubrey felt her breathing quicken as she worked, resisting to gasp for air. She focused on how it smelled like horses (and let's be honest, horse poop) in the barn, and tried to ignore all the many times she had been told what she didn't deserve, how annoying she was, how things would be better off if she-

"Hey Aubrey?"

She looked up from combing Beowulf.

"You okay?"

She stood stunned for a moment before recovering herself and replying, "yeah."

James didn't look convinced. 'You always touch your necklace when you feel upset." He noted. Aubrey immediately dropped her hand from the chain. She didn't even notice she was holding it. A small voice echoed in her head, 'you forgot your locket.'  She felt her heart rate pick up and turned away from James, taking a moment to collect herself. When she turned around James was still looking at her. His face didn't show the pity she was expecting, but some form of understanding. It was a nice change to say the least.

Aubrey remembered shouting at one of her foster family's. She had gotten worked up about all the pitying looks she had been given. Like she was some kicked dog for people to comfort. Their 'feel good projects'. She didn't want to be anyone's charity case. "Sorry." James muttered. Aubrey smiled as convincingly as she could and said, "It's fine." He just shook his head and went back to work. They once again sat in comfortable silence for a while. She couldn't help but sneak a few glances at him, noting how observant he was. How even now his eyes darted around the room every few minutes, keeping careful watch on the horses, exits, and of course her. Their eyes met for a moment before she hastily looked away, Aubrey quickly going back to grooming the stallion. 

She got up to get one of the other brushes, opting to use the soft brush since Aubrey had gotten most of the dirt off his coat earlier. 

She walked over, her eyes focused on the brush. Suddenly she lurched forward, tripping on a riding helmet. "ACK!" She yelped loudly, face planting right into... oh yep. That stinks. Literally. She screamed and bolted off the floor, wiping horse poop off her face. She screamed again, sputtering and fuming with frustration. James got her a towel and helped her, but not before Leon and Carter showed up to see what was happening. Aubrey thought she would die of shame sometime in the foreseeable future. Like right now for instance. 

"What happened?" Carter asked, looking rather concerned.

"She fell in poop." James explained in the most matter of fact tone Aubrey had heard in her life.

Leon roared with laughter, "Oh my god..." He was laughing so hard tears streamed down his face. Even James looked like he was fighting back a smile. For a second she was full of embarrassment, but she considered the situation and started to laugh. Within seconds they were all on the floor cackling. Carter gasped for breath, his shoulders shaking with laughter. Mr. Michal popped his head in, looking confused.

"Are you all okay?" He asked with a frown.

"I don't know," Leon said with a grin. "This work really does, stink." They all roared with laughter.

"Whaaat are you guys laughing at?" He said, looking around with a confused expression. As usual, he seemed to be speaking a few levels up from what was considered a natural volume.

"Oh come on Mr. Michal, don't be such a party pooper!" Aubrey cried. They all doubled over with laughter. Mr. Michal smiled despite him looking confused, and left the stables. They all sat laughing for a little longer, just enjoying the moment.

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