Chapter Seventeen.

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Aubrey stood outside trying to replicate the beauty that is the fields at night. As her paintbrush drifted across the canvas, she let her mind wander. The still peaceful night sky sparkled with thousands of stars all fighting to outshine the others. The moon sat in it's crescent, grinning down at her. She sighed breathing in the night air as she painted her attempts at capturing it's lovely stillness. Aubrey loved to paint, to let her mind wander as she stroked the paintbrush across a clean white canvas. 

Her phone buzzed, a text lighting up the phone screen, She finished up a bit she had been working on. In the 30 seconds it took her to finnish her phone buzzed another ten times. Okay I'm not that popular. She thought to herself with a slight chuckle, picking up the phone. She closed her eyes for a moment to pray. Nothing good came of that many messages. When she flipped the screen over and opened her eyes, a call appeared on her screen. 

The shrill sound pierced the night's graceful stillness, and she clicked the answer call button.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Aubrey!" Cried the voice on the other side. Aubrey recognized it immediately.

"Eliana! What's up?"

She heard a muffled sob on the other end and within seconds she was dashing back to the house.

"Eliana? You okay?!"

"D-define okay."

"Oh my god what happened?" Aubrey asked as she threw her painting utensils into a bag. "She broke up with me. Quinn broke up with me!" Eliana whimpered on the other end. "What?!" Aubrey practically shouted into the phone.

"Would you mind if I came over?" Eliana said with a sniff.

"Come over right away! I'm sure we have ice cream somewhere around here."

Eliana said she'd be over in a bit. Aubrey raced to the house, grabbing one of her favorite  movies, "Ferris Buellers Day Off" and knocked on Sara's door to her room. "Hey Sara? Do we have ice cream?" Sara nodded with a confused frown, and Aubrey went and grabbed some from the fridge. After a bit of chocolate was drizzled on their oreo ice cream and the movie was up, Aubrey grabbed her phone and checked her messages.

Eliana: Almost here!

Aubrey: Okay I've got movies, ice cream, and popcorn waiting

Aubrey wasn't all that surprised that Quinn and Eliana had broken up, she was more surprised that it was Quinn who had done the breaking. Usually Eliana broke up with anyone she was dating. Aubrey suspected it was because Elly didn't want to be the one broken up with. Which Aubrey didn't understand why anyone would break up with Elly. If Aubrey was into girls, she would've asked out Elly a while ago.

Not five minutes later, Eliana appeared at the door, her eyes red and puffy from crying. 

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked with a concerned frown. Eliana just nodded, and wiped at her eyes.

They both sat down and ate a bit of their ice cream. "Why did she? You know..." Aubrey asked hesitantly. Eliana just shook her head. She pressed play on the remote and they sat down on the couch to watch the movie. The whole time they just sat and watched the movie. The movie finally got a laugh out of Eliana at the "Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?" 

Aubrey smiled, glad to see her friend happy. Or at least happier anyway. From then on they laughed and quickly finished off their ice cream and popcorn. While they watched Aubrey let her mind wonder about why Quinn had broken up with Elly. 

 Once the movie had ended Eliana was in a much, much, much, better mood.

"I ought to get going." Eliana said, sounding generally sad to have to leave.

"Cherish the joy that is this movie."

Eliana snorted, and grabbed her phone from the couch.

"See you Aubrey." She paused on her way out the door.

"And... thanks."

Aubrey smiled and bid her goodbye. When she closed the door, a voice piped up from behind her. "Is that popcorn I smell?" Leon asked with a wicked grin. Aubrey sighed and started trekking upstairs to her room. "I bet you didn't ask for permission!" Leon sang from behind her. She just shook her head and walked to her room. Leon looked left and right, as if he was checking to see if anyone was listening to him.

"Between you and me, that was a kind of, sort of, a little bit of a nice thing you did." He stage whispered, his head darting left and right.

She snorted. "I am a kind of, sort of, a little bit a nice person." She said with mock outrage. Leon smiled, an honest smile before darting in his own room. Aubrey walked into her own room, gently closing it behind her. She saw her phone had one last text on it.

Eliana: Thank you. 

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