Chapter Thirty.

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Aubrey felt a familiar feeling settle in her stomach, weighing on her chest. Despite the fact that everyone had assured her that it was just a test, she still felt dread seeping into her. This was no uncommon occurrence after all, she always got a little nervous before taking tests, but this felt more intense. Like someone had placed a weight on her chest that made it hard to breath. A weight that couldn't be removed until she passed this test.

Aubrey slipped on her shoes, and paced in her bedroom for a little longer. "I should get going." She murmured quietly to herself, struggling to inhale. She quietly walked down stairs, careful not to wake anyone.
After her backpack was on, she walked out of the house, definitely not expecting to see James' car in her driveway.

"What are you doing here?" She asked once he had rolled down the window.

"Thought you might want a ride because... You know." Aubrey beamed at him, feeling a little pressure disappearing off her chest.
"Thanks James."

"No problem. Now get in before we are late!"

She climbed in, the car smelling faintly of cinnamon and trees. Aubrey smiled gratefully at James again, and he grinned back.

"You'll do fine Aubrey. You had me for a teacher after all!"

Aubrey snorted and added, "I'm doomed!"

They both laughed, and the car cruised along smoothly.

After about fifteen minutes, they were close enough that she could see the buildings in the high school. By the time they were at the parking lot, Aubrey's fingernails were short and ragged from her chewing on them.

"It'll be fine." James said, offering his hand to help her out of the car. She accepted it, and climbed out of the car. James wrapped his arms around her, and she leaned into his embrace. "It'll be fine." He repeated again. Aubrey nodded, feeling better.

"Let's go."

Five minutes later, James and Aubrey both sat at their desks on opposite sides of the room. That was because last week they had been talking too much so the teacher had separated them.

"Alright, does everyone have their papers?" The teacher asked, scanning the classroom. "Okay you may begin." Aubrey flipped over her paper, grabbed her pencil, took a deep breath, and got to work.


"Alright students? I have Friday's test score in my hand, come up to the desk if you would like to see your score" The dread sat there on her chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe. It felt like she was trying to inhale while someone sat on her.

The teacher rattled off a list of names, going in reverse alphabetical order. Who the hell does that? Aubrey waited, the seconds dragging her down. "James? Is there a James in this class?" James sat up and nodded, looking a little pale himself.

"James, you are tied with one other student for the second best grade score. Congratulations!" The teacher handed James a little candy, and motioned him back to his seat. The teacher rattled off another few names before saying, "Alexis?" Lexi immediately sprang up from her chair, looking close to tears. She rocketed over to the front of the classroom, looking strangely nervous considering she usually got 100% on all of the tests in this class.

"Congratulations Lexi, you got the third highest test grade! Passing at a stunning 89%." Aubrey smiled and shot her a thumbs up, but Lexi apparently did not want an eighty nine percent because she asked in a warbling voice if she could use the restroom, wiping tears as she went.
Before Aubrey could think much of it, the teacher's voice ringed out, "Aubrey? Aubrey Garcia?" She felt her stomach lurch, as she stumbled out of her seat to the front of the classroom. She stood in front of the teachers desk, feeling very ill.

"Aubrey, hmmmm. Okay, wow. Nice job Aubrey, you tied with James for second highest grade passing at a beautiful 95%!" Aubrey felt all the weight on her chest fly off, leaving her feeling buoyant and weightless.

"Really?" She asked. The teacher nodded and she floated back to her desk. Before Aubrey could sit down however, James' arms wrapped around her.
"Aubrey, you did awesome!" He cried, and she buried her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you." She murmured into his shirt.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Hey." He said with a grin. "I may have taught you, but that grade? That was all you." He whispered into her ear. She smiled, and threw her arms around him, staying like that for a long time.


"Yay!" Squealed Eliana. They were all sitting outside in the sun, waiting for the bell to ring. "We all need to go celebrate right now!"

Eliana had gotten a 85% on her 10th grade test, and she looked exceedingly ecstatic. Aubrey couldn't blame her, Aubrey had been praying for a C+ at best only four five hours ago. Lexi smiled and nodded, her eyes' fixed on Eliana. Apparently after the test, Eliana had tracked her down, and calmed her. Lexi seemed to be in much better spirits anyway.

"So what should we do??" Eliana asked, practically bouncing. They all shrugged, and Eliana smiled evilly. Aubrey suddenly realized something. She had passed all her semester tests with flying colors. That meant a lot of A's. Aubrey felt a grin creeping up her face.

"Let's do something fun." She said, grinning like a maniac. Her grin was contagious, as everyone began to smirk and smile as well.

"Want to see a movie? I heard they are re-playing Gladiator." Lexi said with a smile. Everyone stared at her. "You haven't seen Gladiator?" She asked, looking bewildered. They shook their heads, and she grinned. "It's settled then We can go watch Gladiator, and buy way too many snacks." Eliana coughed and cleared her throat. "That works for me, but can someone else buy the snacks, I can't exactly..." She trailed, off her smile fading.

Lexi blinked and said, "Of course, I was going to pay. Was that not obvious?" Eliana smiled awkwardly and appolagised. "It's fine, let's get going!" Lexi said with a smile. 

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