Chapter 21

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Aria's POV:
I tip the cab driver and walk up the steps in the pouring rain, my dress soaking wet. I don't have a key so I decide to wake everyone up by ringing the doorbell. 5 minutes later, Victoria and David open the door with Romeo, Cruz and Harper behind them. They're in their pajamas and look tired as ever. "Aria, what's going on?" Victoria asks. She can tell I've been crying. "Where's Brooklyn?" David asks. "I don't want to- t-talk about I-it." I mutter out, trying to hold back more tears. I take off my heals and carry them up to my bedroom. The room I never sleep in because I usually sleep with Brooklyn. I throw my heels on the ground with a thud and change into a huge sweatshirt and underwear, dry off my hair and crawl into bed. Someone knocks on my door. "C-come in." I say, sniffling. It's Victoria. She shuts the door behind her and sits with me on the large king sized bed. "Aria what happened?" She asks with a worried look on her face. "I just wanna g-go home." I sniffle, tears streaming down my cheeks again. "But we still have a week left." Victoria says. "What'd Brooklyn do?" She asks calmly, rubbing my back. "K-kissed Madison Beer." I really start crying now. "I don't approve of that girl. She's nothing but bad news. Plus, you're more real then she'll ever be." Victoria says smiling. I laugh a little at this. Victoria and I talk awhile about what happened at the party when I hear footsteps in the hallway. It's probably Brooklyn sneaking his ass in the house. I check the time on my phone. 2:30. Wow he was out late. "I'm going to yell at him." Victoria says as she kisses my forehead, turns off my light and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her. Suddenly I hear yelling. "BROOKLYN JOSEPH BECKHAM WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! KISSING MADISON BEER AND BEING OUT UNTIL 2:30 AM?! YOU'RE 16 YEARS OLD!" Victoria screams. "Mum! Stop! I never liked Aria, she's the fake one! Madison is SO much nicer and said her and Aria used to be friends and that Aria bullied her all the time." I hear Brooklyn explain. Me and Madison were friends, but she was the one that bullied me. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I sob into my pillow. I thought I had people to rely on. I take out my phone and text Becca.
I really wish you were hear right now. I'm having a tough time.
bb, what's wrong?
Brooklyn kissed Madison Beer and now she's saying a bunch of stuff about me
I know, it's all over E! News.
I turn on the TV and go to the channel. A picture of Brooklyn with Madison on his lap and him kissing her appears. My mouth drops open and I start crying again. I don't know what I want to do at this point.

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