Chapter 4

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I look over at Brooklyn. "What am I supposed to do?" I say to him. He's looking down. Suddenly he perks up. "We can ask my parents if you can stay with me!" He says as he drags me out the door and we run to his house. "Mum! Dad!" Brooklyn shouts as they come walking fast towards us. We stand in front of the front door. "Aria's family has to go back to America for a few weeks. Is it okay if she stays with us?" He asks. I cross my fingers. The last thing I want to do is go back to Wisconsin to see my dad. I hated him. After everything he's done to me, he doesn't deserve to even look at me. My brothers hate them too. I just really want my dad to be locked up. I need to tell Brooklyn. "Well, I suppose she can stay with us." David says. "Of course she can! She's always welcome." Victoria says as she smiles with me. "Great! I'll go help her pack." He says. We rush home so I can tell my grandparents what's up and they agree to let me stay. Me and Brooklyn are soon in my room, packing my stuff. "Don't go into that drawer." I tell him as I point to where my underwear and bras were. "Something to hide?" He smirks. I roll my eyes. "Fine, do whatever you want." I say and laugh. "Now I'm kinda scared." He says, looking tempted to open it. "Whatever, Beckham." I say laughing. He opens the drawer. "Aria!" He screeches as he holds up a black lace bra. "Give me that!" I say as I snatch it from him. He laughs as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Brooklyn, I have a boyfriend, remember?" I say as I look over to him. He looks disappointed. Suddenly my boyfriend, Bryan, skypes me. Brooklyn dives out of the view of the camera. "Hey babe!" I say as his camera loads. "Hey, um aria I don't think this is working out.." He says. I hear something in the background. "Bryan what're you doing?" A girl walks over to him and starts kissing him. The girl I hated the most. Hollie Wilson. She managed to steal every boyfriend I've ever had. "Okay, thanks for cheating on me." I say. All he does is shrugs. I slam my laptop shut and put my head in my hands. Tears stream down my face uncontrollably. I don't even know why I'm crying so hard. It was just a lousy 6 months. "Everything's ruined." I sniff as Brooklyn comes walking over to me. "Hey don't say that." He says as he wraps his arms around my neck, handing me a tissue. "No, you don't understand." I sniff. "What don't I understand?" He asks, confusion in his eyes. "My dad's an alcoholic. When I was 3, he got drunk and pinned my brother against the wall, punching him over and over again and he was only 6. When I was 9, he threw me down the stairs and I broke my leg and that's how I got this scar. My mom has always been afraid of him and he probably forced her into having another baby." I explain, sobbing my eyes out. He has tears in his eyes. "Aria, you're safe as long as you're here. I won't let anyone hurt you." He says as I cry into his chest. "Come on, let's go back to my house." He says as he takes my bags. I give my grandparents and brothers a hug and kiss each and go to Brooklyn's house. He shows me where I'll be staying and it looks quite similar to my grandparent's house. I'm so tired so I fall asleep right away. I wake up at 2:00 AM sobbing and shaking. I grab my pillow and head to Brooklyn's room which is right next door. "Brooklyn." I say sniffing. "What's wrong?" He says in a sleepy voice, sitting up in his bed. "I had a horrible dream." I say. I climb into his bed and drift off to sleep, his arms wrapped around my waist.

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