Chapter 1

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My name's Aria. My parents are sending me away because they have to 'figure things out.' My mom recently found out she's pregnant with her fourth kid and my third sibling. She doesn't want anything to do with my dad anymore after what he did to me, but it doesn't matter. Tomorrow I'll be leaving my home state in Wisconsin, to London. Oh joy. I get to leave my friends. I'll probably miss my friends from modeling the most. I know you're probably thinking 'wow she's from Wisconsin and she models?' Well yeah. I have been for a year now after I turned skinny. I'm the youngest, for now. I have two older brothers, Jayson who's 17 and Bryce who's 16. I'm 14 and not looking forward to living with my Grandparents in London until my baby brother or sister arrives. "Aria do you have your bags packed?" My mom says, leaning in on my doorway. "Yup." I says, popping the p and sighing. I sit down on my bed and look down. "I'm so sorry, honey. It's the best we can do for all of us. You'll be fine, make some friends." She says as she ruffles my hair and kisses the top of my head. It's 4 in the afternoon and we have to get on our plane at 6 the next morning. I get a text message from my best friend, Becca.
Skype me now
I reply as I sit at my desk and open my laptop. "Hey Beccs!" You say as her face pops up on the screen. "Omg you might meet Brooklyn Beckham!" She squeals. He's ALL she talks about. Everything. I sigh and roll my eyes. "He's cute, but not my type. He just seems too full of himself" I sigh and laugh. "Besides, I'll be busy with modeling." I add. By the time I'm done talking to Becca, it's 11 o'clock. "Listen, I'll skype you when I get to my grandmas. Love you!" I say as I close my computer and tuck myself into bed, listening to my parents argue. They'll figure things out. I try to reassure myself. I suddenly wake up to ice cold water being poured all over me. I look over at my clock and it's 4:07 AM. My brother's are laughing so hard they're bent over, gasping for air. "Haha, very funny." I say as I roll my eyes and slide out of bed. "Now get out." I add. "Ooh, feisty." Bryce says as he ruffles my hair. "Careful, guys like feisty." Jayson says as he walks out of my room. I sigh and look through my closet at what to wear. It's the beginning of May so it's pretty warm. I decide on a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I take a quick shower and put on my makeup and straighten my long brown hair, my piercing green eyes staring back at me in the mirror. By the time we leave to go to the airport, it's 5:00 AM. I get out of the car and take all 3 of my bags. Me, my brothers and my parents are walking fast through the airport, trying to avoid paparazzi. They were everywhere. I was bombarded with questions such as: "when's your next modeling debut?" and "what magazine will we see you in next?" I answer none of the questions and we finally get to security. "I love all three of you so much." My mom says as she kisses our heads and we kiss back, tears in my eyes. My dad stands their on his phone. They both walk away, tears streaming down my mother's face. "I really don't trust dad with her." I say to my brothers, quietly. "They'll figure it out." They say as we board the plane. We get on the plane and I'm sitting by the window, Bryce in the middle, then Jayson on the aisle. After reading the same magazines over and over again, watching 3 movies, sleeping, and checking social media, we're finally in London. I yawn and sit up straight. We leave the plane and there's barely any paparazzi, but girls with British accents come up to me and ask for a picture with me as my brothers stand there, rolling their eyes. "Grandma! Grandpa!" I screech as I run over to them, tackling them in a hug. "Let's go, we'll show you the house." My Grandma says. And with that, we're off.
Hey everyone! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! More to come! :)

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