Chapter 6

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I'm still mad about my boyfriend breaking up with me. I'm really upset actually. Even though Brooklyn and I just kissed, I feel like I need to do something. "I'm going to get a drink." I say. "I'll come with you." He replies. I grab a beer bottle and start drinking. "Aria stop." He says, trying to pull my arm away. "No." I say walking away and giving him a dirty look. I'm probably on my 3rd beer when Brooklyn finds me. "Aria, we're going." He says, grabbing my wrist. I stumble around a little and hope Brooklyn takes good care of me.... I'm going to need it. The last thing I remember is being lifted up and someone planting a kiss on my lips.

Brooklyn's POV (yay!)
Aria was so drunk, I had to get her out of there before someone took advantage of her. I picked her up and put her in the car. It was 1:34 AM by the time we got home. I took her into my room quietly and changed her into her pajamas. She was so beautiful. But I noticed something. A huge scar across her waist. I don't question it. She's way to drunk to answer right now. "Brooklyn I'm sleepyyyy." She slurs, falling onto my bed. I move her to the other side and slide in next to her. "Goodnight, aria." I say as I kiss her warm head. "Brooklyn, I love you." She says. "You're so out of it." I laugh. "No I'm serious." She pouts. It's quiet for awhile and I hear her shoot up in bed. "I feel sick." She says stumbling to the bathroom. I run after her, putting her hair in a ponytail (at least trying to). She gets sick a few times and she puts her head on my lap as she lays curled up on the floor, me sitting up. I rub her head and she starts crying. "Brooklyn you don't understand." She cries. "What don't I understand aria?" I ask. She sits up. "Everyone expects so much of me. My parents hate me and my dad's gonna hurt the babyyy." She cries even more and sits on my lap. She's still pretty drunk, if you ask me. I pull her close. "It's okay, Aria. Shhh. He won't hurt the baby." I rub her head and rock her in my arms. "Let's get this makeup off of you now." I say as I lift her up onto the counter, trying to rub the makeup off with soap and water. Forget that. I take her back to bed and by the time she falls asleep again, it's 4:06 AM. Wow am I tired.

Aria's POV:
I wake up and turn to the clock, head spinning and my vision blurred. Wow I remember nothing. The clock read 12:54 PM. Wow I slept late. Brooklyn checks in on me, opening the door slowly. "What happened last night?" I say, holding my head. "You got drunk." He answers. "Well, obviously." I say, throwing something at him, at least attempting. "Was I crying?" I ask as I touch my face. "Uh, yeah." He says as he scratches the back of his neck. "You were really upset." He says. "Well I'm gonna shower." I say to him, getting up slowly and grabbing clothes from my closet. I quickly shower and go back into Brooklyn's room, where he called me. "Is it true that you love me?" He asks. Shit. Did I say that last night? My mouth drops open and I hide my face in my hands as my face burns. I feel tears prick my eyes. I was mortified. Slowly, memories from that night come back to me as he reminds me. He walks slowly towards me and lifts my chin. "Listen." He says, looking me in the eyes. "I'm in love with you too and I've never felt this way before. About anyone." He says. I blush and my heart beats so fast I can barely breathe. "Aria, photoshoot! Brooklyn you can come too!" Victoria yells up the stairs. "Let's go." He says, grabbing my hand.

Sorry that sucked😂

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