Chapter 23

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Aria's POV:
I'm walking sluggishly down the hall when all of a sudden a bump into an oh-so-familiar body. I look up and see his chocolate brown eyes meet mine, the same eyes that made my heart melt the first time I saw him. I can tell he's been crying. I feel my lip quiver and a tear stream down my cheek. I tackle him in a hug and he squeezes me tight. "I don't want to be with Madison." He chokes out, rubbing the back of my head. "Aria Mae, I love you too much to ever let you go. I want you to be my one and only." He says to me, looking deep into my eyes. "I love you too, Brooklyn Joseph." I say, giggling. "Now what do you say we take care of Madison?" He smirks as we head down the stairs. He grabs a carton of eggs and my eyes grow wide. I smirk and grab my jacket. "Brooklyn where are you going with those?" Victoria stops us in our tracks and we slowly turnaround. "Teaching Madison a lesson...?" He tries to explain. Victoria smirks. "Need a ride?" She asks. I burst out laughing as we run to the car. About 20 minutes later, we pull up to quite a big house. "Victoria, drive away so the paparazzi doesn't blame this on you." I say through the window. She listens and drives away. "Ready?" Brooklyn turns to me, smirking with an egg in his hand. "Ready." I say as I take an egg. We start throwing eggs at her bedroom window. Suddenly, her window opens and Madison stands there looking down at us. I guess Brooklyn didn't realize she opened the window because he fired one right at her. "What the hell?!" She screeches as egg splatters all over her face. "And why are you with MY boyfriend?!?!" She screams even louder at me. That hurt. Boyfriend? "We were never dating, Madison." Brooklyn says as he rolls his eyes. "I'm calling the police!" She yells as she slams her window. "Text your mom. NOW." I panic. Paparazzi has already noticed us and are clicking picture after picture of us as we hop into the car. We laugh so hard as we pull away, heading back to the large house. "Aria, someone called for you earlier today. It was about a movie audition." She explains. My jaw drops. "Really?!" I squeal. I love acting. Brooklyn looks happy for me. "Congratulations!" He says as he kisses me on the cheek. I check my phone and it's blowing up with people talking about Madison. People are saying some hateful things, others funny and encouraging but mostly hurtful. "We shouldn't have done that." I say quietly, looking at some of the mean messages on my Instagram. "Hey, don't let them get to you." He says as he lifts my cheek with two fingers. We get back and I head up to my room to read more comments. Wow. People can be so mean. Some comments read:
"Brooklyn should stay with her. You're the whore."
"I used to like you until I found out you bully Madison."
"You're probably paying Brooklyn to date you."
"Lol, no one ever liked you. You're worthless and talentless."
These comments really hurt my feelings. I can't help but to break down. I try to be quiet but I can't anymore. My body shakes with sobs. Brooklyn rushes in and I point to my phone. "What'd I ever do to deserve this?!" I sob. Brooklyn holds me and we listen to the song that makes me cry the most, who you are by Jessie J. I can't believe how things can go from bad, to good, to even worse in just one day. I lay my head on Brooklyn's shoulder as he comforts me. I'm so done with being famous.

Guysss this is gonna get soooo much better. The end of the book is gonna be amazing and it's gonna leave a cliffhanger for the sequel! I'll be posting a sneak peak of the sequel to my Instagram: brooklynismylife
I suggest you follow me!

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