Chapter 9

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POV Elliot

My head was pounding from the moment I regained consciousness and the high pitched beeping sounds didn't exactly help either.

After a few seconds I realised what had gone on before i passed out and the reason as to why I did. I can't believe Denzell walked in on me like that he must think I'm pathetic which wouldn't be a lie but before I could think anymore of that I heard someone crying out by the side of me 'please my beloved wake up for us we need you we've gone so long without you being in our lives.'

I knew who was speaking it was Denzell but he didn't sound like he usually did no he sounded broken and helpless I felt this overwhelming need to comfort him which was strange as I hardly knew the man.

The urge got the better of me so I finally opened my eyes which only angered my headache more and turned slightly so I could look at him.

When he saw that I was awake he grabbed my hand in a vice like grip which seemed to ease the pain In my head and began to kiss it whilst whispering how much he loved me and would never let me come into harms way again not even by my own hands.

I didn't stop him as I could see it was making him feel better and to be honest I was enjoying him saying those things to me.

After a few minutes he stopped and looked into my eyes with so much pain I couldn't feel myself begin to tear up.

'Why mate? Why did you cut yourself?'

I was going to lie and say I was just sad but I felt compelled to tell him that he would somehow make everything okay

't-t-t-t-t-the mman you were talking to ooutside of the house was my g-g-g-g-g-g-grandad and he's not a n-nice man I prefer t-t-to call him the d-d-d-d-devil seeing him triggered some H-h-h-h-horrible memories'

as soon as I said that I broke down I had finally told someone a small piece of information about my grandad and it was a slither of relief for me.

Denzell got onto the small twin bed that was in the room we were in  made sure to be careful of my self inflicted injuries as well as the wires connected to me and Once we he was semi comfortable he gathered me into his arms and cuddled me.

'Whatever that man did to you I will make sure he never does it again you are my number ONE PRIORITY I know you hardly know me but soon that will all change'

By the end of his sentence his chest was rumbling and he clutched me tighter to himself but not to bad as to hurt me. I hardly know this man but I feel a certain way towards him.

Suddenly there came a knock at the door and Denzell told who ever was on the other side to come in.

The door opened revealing a man who I presumed was the doctor seeing as he had a white coat on and a stethoscope around his neck.

He walked over to the bed we were in and began to check my vitals he was about the same size as me 5 foot 5 with chocolate brown hair and a loving smile that seemed to always be there.

After a few short moments he was finished 'how are you feeling little mouse?' The term of endearment surprised me and it somehow seemed oddly familiar.
I simply replied with 'better' and snuggled into Denzell's embrace which he gladly accepted.

The doctor left the room shortly after and I felt myself falling asleep but just before I did I had two last thoughts.

The last day and a half have been hell but maybe things are kinda looking up.

Happy new year 🎆🎆🎆
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