Chapter 29

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POV Titan

With each step I take I get closer and closer to the dungeon in which Richard and Tina are imprisoned in, the adrenaline that pumps through my veins makes me feel high as a kite I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on them to torture that bastard and slut for everything they did to my puppy.

It doesn't take long before I'm standing in front of the entrance which is guarded by some of my warriors although it is very secure the possibility of someone escaping is still there so not wanting to put our pack in danger I make sure it's always guarded.
They notice me immediately stopping their conversation and giving me their undivided attention ' Hello Alpha' they say simultaneously with slight nods of their heads standing like the soldiers they are, we are incredibly proud to have them protecting our pack members.

I reply back to them getting straight to the point 'Hey guys I think you know why I'm here' this receives a wicked smile from them and with that they are unblocking the entrance lifting the strong steel bar that keeps everyone in and out.
Once that's complete I push the iron doors open and go inside...

Walking down the hallway just before we reach the cells I take in the surroundings like I've never done before, brown sturdy bricks make up the walls and over the years they've started to receive scuffs but it adds to the menacing feel of the place which we are very glad about. White paint covers the ceilings with the odd flake falling off now and then, light fixtures which are only bulb's attached to protective wires hang bringing a little light to the place.

Before I know it I'm outside the last door which will finally lead me to the cells it's of course guarded by two more warriors who as soon as they see me they let me in, finally I'm going to torture that evil bastard for everything he did to my angel he'll wish he was dead by the time I'm finished with him.

The metallic sent of old blood hits me straight in the face as I cross the threshold and I know it may be sinister but the smell brings a smile to my face all those disgusting creatures that crossed our pack got what they deserved.
It takes just two small steps before I'm in front of the second cell in which Tina is being kept I'm going to deal with her first as the saying goes leave the best till last.

Behind the bars sitting in the corner of the disgusting room beside the metal slab which is the bed is Tina looking a mess, her once perfectly styled hair currently looks like a birds nest those once vibrant green eyes now are a dull swamp colour and I can smell the stench coming off her from here, the state in which she's in brings a smile to my face.

Wanting to get things rolling I take out my set of keys which open all the cells and unlock hers, as soon as the click of the key turning sounds Tina's head snaps up instantaneously a look of joy fills her face ha she doesn't know what's coming.
Stepping inside the room I submit all my dominance into the surroundings so strong her natural animal ancestral instincts cause her to bow her head in submission 'well well well what do we have here?' I say in a condescending voice walking closer and closer to her with each word that leaves my mouth.

By the time I've made my way over and tower above her that earlier look of joy slips turning into one of fear 'h-hello Dene?' she stutters out her words dripping with nerves, other than her deep laboured breaths and the screams of other prisoners the room is silent.

' Think again it's Titan and it's time for me and you to have a little chat don't you let's start with how you mean absolutely nothing to me, growing up I was only your friend because I pitied you we all pitied you poor little Tina grew up with shitty snobby parents so she took out her frustrations onto those less fortunate than her driving everyone away I thought you changed so I gave you a chance but it turns out you're still the cold hearted bitch that you've always been.' I spit out at her taking a pause to breath which she takes as an opportunity to pathetically speak ' I'm not a b-bitch all those people deserved what I did to them all those years ago they were pathetic and I love you why can't you see that everything I have done has been for you FOR US so we can finally be together like we are supposed to be,that Elliot is disgustingly weak he's not your mate I AM.'

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