Chapter 10

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That's the colour of Elliot's hair
It's so pretty 🤩

POV Denzell

It's been a few days since everything happened, my beloved was able to leave the hospital the same day which me and Titan were so happy about and since then he hasn't left our side.

When he told me about his repulsive grandfather and the things that man did to him I wanted to find the scumbag right there and then to rip him to shreds but I knew that I would have to do that at a later date because telling me such a thing was emotional for my mate and I needed to comfort him as well as just be with him.

Since then we've been getting to know each other of course my angel still has his guard up but it's beginning to very slowly go down the more we talk to each other.
I know that his very colours are bright blue just like his hair and black, his favourite animal is a dog which titan was ecstatic to hear and his favourite food is tacos 🌮 .

Although he still doesn't know I'm a werewolf or how special he is to me and I think it's only fair that I tell him also I don't think titan can wait any longer but I don't blame him Elliot is not only my mate but also his so he has every right to want to get to know his other half.

I decided that I should tell him tonight we'd have something to eat and then go for a walk through the forest hopefully he'd agree and come with me.

Later that night

Thankfully he agreed.

In the car on the way to Olive Garden me and my beloved sat in silence it was comfortable but a bit awkward so my beautiful mate decided to connect his phone to the Bluetooth in the car and play some music.

'Step one you say we need to talk he walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you you stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right as he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame you begin to wonder why you came

I was blown away when he sang the first part I couldn't believe how beautiful his angelic voice was.
coming back to reality I decided to join in on the chorus as how to save a life is a fantastic song yeah I know I'm 45 but I listen to a variety music so don't be ageist. 😂

'Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life'

I think he was a bit taken aback when I began to sing with him as he fumbled over the words a bit but once the shock wore off he smiled at me and continued.
By the time the song had come to an end we were at the restaurant which my angel was happy about seeing as I heard his stomach release a loud growl resulting in him turning bright red from embarrassment.

Quickly I exited the car and ran around it so I could open his door for him,I want to treat my beautiful mate right.

I opened it for him and he stepped out thanking me then we made our way into the restaurant.
It didn't take long for a table to become available, about five minutes the waiter showed us were it was and gave us our menus to decide what we wanted he said he would be back shortly with our bread sticks and salad as well as to take our orders.

Whilst we read through the menus I made general chit chat with my angel.

'What are you having to drink precious?'

I think he's getting used to me calling him all of these names but even if he's not I'm not stopping because I mean everyone of them.

He answered ' I umm I t-t-think I'm going to get a raspberry l-l-l-lemonade what about you?'

'Hmm I'm gonna go for the peach-raspberry ice tea it's my favourite' I replied

'That sounds g-g-good I t-think I've changed my mind' he said

I could see in his eyes that he was torn between which drink to get so I figured we could share each other's or if he preferred mine we could always switch.

'How about we share the drinks but if you prefer mine we can always trade'

He seemed very happy with that idea because he gave me a beaming smile and rapidly nodded his head.

The rest of our time at Olive Garden zoomed by my beloved decided he wanted cheese ravioli and I had lasagna also in the end he loved my drink so much that we did end up trading.

Now we are in the forest having our walk which means it's time to tell him what I am and what he is to me.

I use his first name so he knows just how serious this conversation is.

'Elliot I need to tell you something but before I do I want you to know that I would never hurt and I love you so much even if we've known each other for only a few days'

He looks at me with eyes filled with different sorts of emotions but the main ones are curiosity and fear but not a lot it after a while he nods his head telling me to continue.

I take in a deep breath and come out with it.

'This is going to be hard to believe but I'm a werewolf an alpha to be exact which means I'm a lot stronger than ordinary werewolves and most of the people at the house are werewolves too so is that disgusting grandfather of yours but we can talk about that later this is more important.'

I took a step towards him and thankfully he didn't take any steps away from me

'I know you must be confused and maybe even scared but there's a few more things I need to tell you so please listen to me;
You are my mate which means we were/are destined to be together, the other half of my soul is yours and the other half of your soul is mine usually we find our mates at 18 but because of the difference of our ages which isn't a problem at all I had to wait a long time to meet you but now that I've found you I don't want to ever let you go. I need to tell you something else as well my wolfs name is Titan so that means you're not only my mate but also his and he is so excited to get to know he loves you a lot, okay that's it for now.'

I waited for him to respond. When slowly his eyes began to fill with tears and they rapidly began to cascade down his cheeks.
Due to his reaction I was expecting him to reject us even thinking of that was painful but what came out of his mouth shocked me.

'C-c-can I meet titan and see y-y-y-your wolf?'

Before he could even finish his sentence titan took over......

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been reading it means a lot I can't believe over a thousand people have read it so far it's insane.

This chapter is much longer than my others which I hope you like 😊
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