Chapter 37

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Sage's POV

Wow. This journey is tough. Very tough. I don't know far I am from the guard. But I trust myself. I know that I'll get to see them again. I'll get to see Kion again. It's been about 3 hours (yeah big time gap ik) since I've left pride rock and I have not caught up to the guard. Maybe they've taken a shortcut? But all I know is that we're going to the same destination and thats all that matters in the end. As of right now, I have all of the motivation and pride to get to where I'm going. I don't know how long it'll actually take for me to arrive at the tree of life but I hope not as long as they say.

Right now I'm at this place filled with dragons called Dragon Island.When I got there, I came upon an ocean with... singing dolphins? Yeah crazy. But they're so good! A lot of these animals have very good singing voices it blows my mind. I smiled at her performance. It's so beautiful. I moved my head in sync with her voice to bring some peace upon me.

"She's amazing!"  I said to myself.

After she finished singing, I clapped and she gave a head bow and smiled at me.

"That was great..." I say wanting to know her name.
"Lumba-Lunba! And thanks! And your name?" She asked.
"Oh I'm Sage! Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Sage! Where do you come from?" She asked

"Oh I come from the Pride lands." I responded.
She gasped and smiled. Which caught me off guard.

"Wow the Pride lands?! I met some guys from the pride lands I'd say like an hour and a half ago!"

Wait really? Is she talking about Kion and the rest of the guard?

"They say they're going to the Tree if Life for healing!"

I gasped. They've been here already.

"Wait really? That's the lion guard! Those are my friends! I'm meeting up with them to head to the tree of life too!" I exclaimed with excitement. My boost of confidence became more and more active.

"Yes ma'am! I wish you all the best of luck and hopefully you catch up to them soon!"

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate you telling me that they've been here already! It gave me an even more positive mindset!"

I told her jumping up and down.

"Now that's what I like to hear! Best of luck to you again!" She says clapping her fins together slowly swimming away.

"Thanks again." I wave bye at her and just like that, she disappeared into the ocean water.

A/N: forgive me I forget how the story line goes and I'm watching clips to base it off of here my best but then again I'm just making things up lololol

I walk away from the ocean and continue following the map down the path. I do my best to avoid any danger and luckily, I'm very stealthy and I know how to stay out of sight and in any dangers way. So in that case, I literally avoided any danger.

Timeskip because I don't know what to write sjhdhdjdbndnsbjdhdbcbx gosh

I've made it past so many more stones and yet along the way I haven't even seen Kion or the guard. I guess they're really that fast.

(I forgot what places they go to lmk in the comments if you know)

But now, I'm here at some snowy mountain. Like it's a blizzard over here. I know I'm close to the tree of life. It's right behind this mountain. If I don't see Kion here, then that means that he's probably already at the tree of life! Wow he's really made it! I'm telling myself this because I know that he's there safe and sound. But do I know for sure?

I looked around the mountain to find ways to get past it, but boy was it tall. I started making my way towards the mountain. I had to be careful and very cautious. If not, I could fall or worse. I take a step up a rock and instantly almost slipped. I gasped and stopped in my tracks.

I took a deep breath and tried again, but when I did, I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped and turned around. I saw nobody. The snow was really blowing in my face making it very hard to see. Then again I hear footsteps lurking around my ears more loudly this time. What was happening? I smelled a scent of a... lion? It didn't smell like Kion, so I have no idea who it could be.

I shake it off and tell myself that I'm just imagining things. I continue again to walk up to the rock again, but suddenly, I feel myself being grabbed and taken away. All I remember was hearing my loud scream. Enough to shake the mountain.

Kion's POV
We're almost at the tree of life. We arrived at the snowy mountain but Anga was able to find a shortcut on the other side of the mountain and so we took that path.

As we were walking, I was thinking about Sage. I really miss her. She's my everything. My other half. Without her, I'm never complete. And oh how I miss my son. My sweet little son. My whole world. Just like his mom, without them, I'm nothing. I'm doing this for them. I'll come back to them healed! I promise.

"Kion, you good?" I heard Bunga ask me.

"I'm fine. Just thinking you know? We're almost there. We've got this!" I say with encouragement.

"Yeah!!" They all respond with pride.

Now all of a sudden, we hear a loud rumble and scream that literally shook the mountain.


We all braced for it. But wait, why does that scream sound familiar? I know it sounds weird but I don't know why it literally sounds like Sage. I mean, I've heard her scream plenty of times and enough to know exactly what it sounds like. It's absolutely crazy to say because there's no way that she's made it here all by herself. That's absolutely impossible. For some reason my gut told me it was her. My lover.

I feel crazy saying that but I'm feeling something.

Everyone looks at me in concern because of my facial expression. Plus, after we heard the scream a minute after, everyone moved on. And I was still there. Standing there.

"Um, Kion, are you okay? What's wrong?"

I had to say it. My heart tells me so. It really does.

"Sage?" I say.

A/N: hello and sorry for the longggggg wait omfg I feel very bad. That's why I updated ehe. And now I literally left a cliffhanger lolollll oopsie! Btw i apologize if the end doesn't make sense I did this through a headache lolll. What do you think is gonna happen next? Lmk in the comments !! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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