Chapter 33

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Sage woke up. She slowly pushed Kion off of her and shook her fur. "I'm just gonna take a walk."

Sage got out of the lion guard lair and just went outside to take a walk.

Sage was greeted by Kiara, Savannah, and Queby. "Hey Sage." All three of them greeted her. "Hey guys-". something came to Sages' mind. Kion asking her to marry him. She had to tell them. "OMG guys be ready to have your mind blown!" "Well, what is Sage?" Sage took a deep breath and said "Kion asked me to marry him SQUEEEEE!" "WHAT OMG SAGE THATS AWESOME!" Savannah and Queby squeeled. "Wait does my dad even know about this?" Kiara said. "Yeah, he does Kion told me that your dad says that it's okay and the wedding will be in four days!"

"Wow Sage I'm really happy for you my brother can be sweet sometimes."
"Thanks, yeah I love him so much I never want to leave him. Speaking of leaving him, where's Chase ?" Sage asked worried. "Oh he's hiding behing Queby." Svannah said.
Sage walked behind Queby to see Chase laughing. Sage laughed and smiled and picked him up.

Zuri had heard that Kion has proposed to Sage. She has an evil plan to crash the wedding. She is also getting a little bit of help from Brittany, Kions ex.

Kion was thinking. He was hoping that nothing would mess this up. He wanted everything to perfect. He was thinking back from what Fuli said that Zuri was planning to attack Sage real soon. So he has to watch out for Zuri and see what she is up to.

Sorry guys DX this is short cause I have no idea what to do please help me!!! I'll see you in the next chapter... Peace✌

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