Chapter 18

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As Sage woke up, she was limping from her stomach pain. Her stomach was still hurting but then after awhile it stopped hurting. Rafiki noticed her in pain and went to his tree to know what is up with Sage.


Kion and Sage were playing tag while Kion tagged her, she moaned in pain as her stomach started hurting again. Kion said", Sage are you okay?" She said", oh um yeah I'm fine". She said under her breath",at least I think I am".

They continued to play tag as Savannah came along and greeted Kion and Sage with a hug. She said", awww Sage you and Kion look sooooo cute together". She gushed. Kion started blushing and Sage looked embarrassed.

Rafiki was at his tree once he finally found out what was wrong with Sage. He said", I will tell da King so he can speak with her". As Rafiki raced up to pride rock and talked to Simba. He was really shocked once he heard what Rafiki told him.

Simba came out of pride rock and then called Sage so he can speak with her. Sage said", Is there something wrong your majesty?" Simba said", Sage has your stomach been hurting lately?" Sage said", yeah, I don't know why but it was hurting really bad but not righ now. Simba said", well I think I know why it was hurting". Sage said ", really you do, please tell me". Simba sighed. He said", Sage, you are having a cub".

Sage's mouth dropped". She hesitated to talk but she said", WHATT?!!???!?!" But Simba, I'm only 12 this is impossible and I'm only a cub"! She started to panic. Simba said", woah sweetheart calm down". Sage said", Oh my gosh Simba I can't calm down I'm am too young for this, I'm not ready". she cried. Simba said", oh Sage When Nala was 12 she had Kiara but she was a grown lioness". Sage said", Simba I can't do this". Simba said", don't worry Sage you will be fine trust me". He said as he licked her face. She said", should I tell Kion"? Simba said", hmm only when you want to tell him". Sage said", okay Simba thank you so much". Simba said", no problem Sage, and just be careful". Sage said", okay I will".

Kion said", Sage what did my dad say"? Sage said", ohh umm nothing really he he". She said nervously. Kion said", umm okay then". Kion then pounced and pinned Sage to the found as she groaned of pain in her stomach. Kion said", come on Sage tell me what he said". Sage was holding down her stomach and then groaned of pain. Kion said", Sage what's wrong"? Sage said", Kion , I'm having a cub". Kion just stood there then he said", whaattt"?!?! Then he passed out saying", Oyyy".

Lmaoo 😂😂 End of  chapter 18 lol how will Sage's friends and sister react to this and the members of the lion guard and Kion when he wakes up?!?! Find out in chapter 19. Kion lover out. Byeee.✌

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