Chapter 2

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Sage and Kion started walking. Then Kion thought of something. He said,"hey Sage, you should meet my parents." Sage said ,"Why?

Kion said ," Well so they can get to know you better." Sage thought for a moment. She said,"but I barely know you I found you today. What's the point"?

Kion said ,"come on please they might like you." Kion said grinning. Sage just sighed and said,"Ugh okay find, but are you sure they will like me"?

Kion said," Trust me".

So they started to walk to pride rock where Simba and Nala were. When Kion saw his parents he walked up to them and he saw Sage looking all scared and shy to meet his parents.

Kion said,"come on don't be scared they won't hurt you or anything." Sage slowly started walking next to Kion and Kion said," Mom Dad I want you to meet my new friend Sage." Sage waved slowly at them. Nala said," Hi Sage it's a pleasure to meet you."

Sage said", it's nice to meet you too.
Then Simba said,"Hello Sage it's really nice to meet you." Sage nodded her head.

Sage turned around to see Kion smiling at her while she gave him a mad frendly-like playful smile.

Nala finally said," so where are you two going," Kion said ," I'm showing Sage a place that I've been before and it is really cool."

Nala said", okay but be back soon," Kion said ,okay mom we will be back soon."

As Kion and Sage rushed off to the secret place Kion wanted to show sage, Sage said in her mind," where is Kion taking me"?

Once they arrived Kion and Sage looked at each other.

Sage looked mad. She said," Kion, really"? The elephant graveyard"?

Kion said,"yeah why? You don't like this place"?

Sage said", like it"? I LOVE IT"!

Kion was surprised that Sage loved this place.

Kion thought of something . He tapped Sage's head and said,"tag your it." Sage said ,"oh it's on."

The two cubs started running around for along time when they where playing tag.

But then when Sage tagged Kion. Kion was chasing after her, but then Sage didn't look where she was going so she tripped over a cliff and tumbled down in the elephant graveyard screaming while she was tumbling down. Kion screamed,"SAGE!!

Sage looked at Kion who was at the top of the cliff. Sage said," Kion help!" Kion said," don't worry Sage I'm comin"-.

Now Kion was really scared for his friend. He saw hyena's surrounding Sage. She started to whimper.
Kion said," leave her alone,"

Shenzi the hyena said ", or else what your gonna hurt us with your little claws?cackled Shenzi.

Kion looked at his claws.

He then said," yes.

Then they started to laugh some more. Until Shenzi grabbed sage by her tail and threw her into a elephant skeleton. That really set Kion off as he gasped.

Shenzi said," whacha gonna do now"?

Kion was really mad he then was ready to attack but instead his eyes grew big and his claws became really sharp and he roared," I SAID LEAVE HER ALONE"!! He roared. Shenzi and her hyena crew got scared and ran off. When Kion was done roaring , at them Kion said,"Sage,? In a worried voice.

He then jumped down on a cliff and looked for Sage. He then ran to an elephant skeleton and saw his little friend in there just lying there. Kion gasped then took her out of the skeleton by pulling her ear with his mouth.

Then Kion said," come on Sage wake up please," You are like my only best friend and I care about you a lot even though we just met today," he said with tears in his eyes.

Then Sage started to move a little bit then she said," I care about you too kion. She said as Kion jumped for joy.

Kion then nuzzled her and was so happy that his friend was okay.

Sage said," Aww Kion that's really sweet of you and you are actually really brave she said sitting next to him.

Kion said,"Aww thanks Sage. Now lets get out of here this place is boring and was full of mean crazy hyenas."

The two cubs returned to the pridelands while Nala was there watching the two return side by side.

Nala said," Come on Kion time for bed." Kion said Aww okay bye Sage." Kion then stopped for a second then he said," wait Sage where is your home?

Sage then said,"I don't really have a home. Both of my parents died trying to save me in a stamped of Giselle's. She said with a sad face. Kion looked really sad so did Nala.

Nala then had an idea. She said," how about you sleep with us tonight"?

Sage said," okay thank you Nala,"
That made Kion really happy. You can sleep with Kiara in the other side of her room.

So Nala showed Sage where Kiara was and Nala told Kiara about her and they soon started to become best friends.

As everyone in the pride lands went to sleep, Kiara and Sage were still up talking. Kiara said," so Sage I heard that you have been hanging out with my brother a lot". She said. Sage said," well yeah your brother is really fun to be around with. So tell me what you and my brother have been through.

Time skip after Sage told Kiara about her and Kion.

Kiara said," wow you must really like him," she said as Sage was blushing a little. Then Sage said ," well yeah he is really brave after all.

Sage and Kiara decided to go to bed and wait until tomorrow morning to hang out more.

End of chapter 2 tell me what you think I will be continuing chapter 3 and maybe everything else today!! Yay I'm starting to like this story myself. Bye.

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