Chapter 19

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Sage said", Kion, Kion wake up". He said", huh"? Sage said get up you passed out". Kion said", are you really having a cub"?!?! Sage nodded her head. Kion said", wow Sage that's awesome, outrageous, impossible and, uncommon all at the same time". Sage said", yeah I know Simba told me to be careful especially when you pin me down". Kion said", oh sorry I won't do it again unless I really need to". Sage laughed. Kion said", hey Sage Kiara told us to meet her and her friends and the lion guard to meet them in the jungle so we can do an adventure together". Sage said", sure that will sound like fun, let's go"!

As the two cubs rushed off into the jungle, out of nowhere Fuli came out of nowhere pinning Sage while she yelped in pain as her stomach was hurting. Fuli said", Ughhh Sage where have you been we were waiting for five minutes"?!?!?! Sage said", so what's wrong with five minutes you can wait that long"? Fuli said", I never wait for people I have no patients in waiting, and you didn't answer my question where were you and Kion"? Sage said", I was talking with him and I was talking to Simba". Fuli said", ughhh you don't get it what were you talking about"?!? Sage said in a sassy way", and why is it your business"?!? Fuli said", just tell me"! Sage said", you didn't answer my question, why is it your business"?! Fuli said", Sage , just please tell me". Sage said", no"- as she started to groan of her stomach. Fuli said", ugh oh please I didn't even touch you".

Kion was getting really annoyed with Fuli so he just said", Fuli, Sage is having a cub now stop bothering her or you'll throw her into her mean side". Fuli got off of Sage and just stood there in shock. She said", she's having a cub"?!? Sage said", yeah I am". Fuli just ran back where the rest of the others are. Sage sighed. She didn't know how her friends will react. Mostly her sister.

As they both approached the jungle where everyone was, Kiara said", Sage what took you so long"? Sage said", umm well uhh he he well you see"- Sage is having a cub "! Kion said out of nowhere. Sage said", Kion"! In a frustrated tone. He said", oops..."

Everyone just stood there in shock and Kiara and Savannah were both screaming and really happy for Sage, even her sister.

The lion guard just froze. Bunga said "That's awesome Sage"! She said  "Thanks".

Everyone started to play tag even Sage. Kion was it. He tagged Sage and pinned her then totally forgot she was having a cub. Sage yelped as she told Kion to get off he said sorry that he totally forgot.

Everyone was exhausted from playing tag all day. Ad everyone went back to pride rock to get some sleep. As they were sleeping, Nala came over to Sage and said "Hey Sage, how are you feeling?" Sage said "I'm doing fine for now".She laughed. Nala laughed too. She said", okay Sage, I'll let you get some rest and check on you tomorrow". Sage said "okay thanks Nala". She said "anytime Sage". As she walked away and Sage fell fast asleep as her stomach was hurting but she had to deal with it as she slept with Kion. He opened one eye and saw Sage sleeping next to him. She started to moan a little but dealt with it and waited until the morning to come for her.

End if chapter 19

Lol tell me what you think about it and give meh ideas plzzz. Thanks. Kion lover out. Byeee✌💗✌💗✌💗

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