Chapter 21

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In the outlands~...

Mother, mother!" Vitani said angrily. Zira said" what is it Vitani, did Sage get away?" Vitani said" yes mother she did but I will get her back and soon the pridelands will be ours!" In the pridelands Vitani spotted Sage sleeping on a rock next to Kion. She crept up behind her and covered her mouth so she won't scream. She opened her eyes and did a muffled scream but nobody heard her.

In the outlands... Again...

Vitani tied Sage to a sturdy branch. Vitani yelled" Mother mother I got her I got her!!" Zira said "excellent, now that we have her, Simba will have no choice but to turn the pridelands over to me!!!" Sage said" what do you even want with me?" Zira said" hush child!" She said as she suspiciously touched Sage's stomach. Sage said "ugh what are you doing?" Zira said", and also waiting for my cub to arrive". Sage scoffed and said"uhh your cub, this is actually my cub thank you very much!" Zira said" whatever little one it's mine no w so deal with it". Sage looked surprised. She said in her mind" is this lioness crazy or what this is my cub not hers!" Zira said" come along children as we set off to the pridelands to claim the land!"

Sage was being forced to move as the three along with all of the lionesses from the outlands pride took their walk to the pridelands.

In the Pridelands~...
Ono was just flying up in the sky minding his own business while his sight caught a pride of lionesses and three in the front. He looked closer and saw Sage with them. He gasped and said "HAPANA!" then flew back to the lion guard lair. Then he said" Kion Sage is in trouble, the outlanders have her and it looks like war!" Kion said "HEYVI KABISA,WHAT THEY HAVE HER?" I better tell my dad and fast! Thanks Ono."

Kion rushed into the den of pride rock and said" Dad dad dad, Sage is in trouble the outlanders have her and they want war!!!" He said as he gasped for air. Simba said" WHAT!!? Nala go assemble all of the lionesses this is War!" And Kion get the lion guard ready!"

As everyone in the pridelands got ready, Zira and her pride arrived and was ready to fight. As both prides for faced to face, Simba said" What do you want Zira?" Zira said" oh nothing really just two things". She sneered. She said" One, The pride lands and two Sage's cub". Everyone gasped. She said" if you want Sage back you have to hand the pridelands over to me or we can fight". Simba looked at Sage. He ran in to attack Zira as the lionesses were fighting from both prides. Lionesses ripping each others skin and being so violent.

After 30 minutes of fighting, Zira and her pride stopped and stepped in front of the pridelands and Sage gladly joined back to her pride. Zira said" Hey little child where are you going?" Sage said" Joining my pride why what do you even want with me?" Zira said" I am waiting for my cub to come then he or she will be King or Queen of pride rock!!!" Sage was full with rage(hey that rhymes) and just wanted to attack her because Zira kept saying that Sage's cub is hers when it really is not. But dang Sage was scary when she was mad and Kion got a little scared. Sage said" IT IS NOT YOUR CUB!!!" She went after Zira then both of them went rolling down a hill of rocks. Sage was really strong and she pinned her down to the ground. She showed her teeth at her and began growling. Zira swiped Sage off of her and then Zira stood up. She began to back up. As she backed up there was an ending of the hill and Zira fell off into the water screaming. Sage said" who's cub is it now?"

She climbed up and was nuzzled by Kion he had a worried look on his face.

In the night time, Sage and Kion were sleeping together. Sage started moaning of her stomach. The noise woke up Kion. He said" Sage are you okay?"
Sage said" Yeah I'm okay but I don't think he is going to let me sleep". Kion was shocked he said "He?" Sage said" Ummmm err uhhh...."

End of chapter 21 ughhh took me forever to write this. Ignore any spelling mistakes and tell me so I can fix them. Well guys give me ideas and yeah. Byee. ✌ Kion lover out ❤👋💙👋💚

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