Chapter 15

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Sage said", okay make it quick".

Timeskip after Kion told her what happened~
(If u are wondering what Sage looks like the picture explains everything just click on it)

Sage said", she was your mate before"????? Kion said", yeah but I just missed her but I still love you Sage". Sage said", oh so you love her more than me right"??
Kion said", no I used to love her but not anymore". "I love you too Kion but you needed to tell me that there was someone else". Kion said", I know, I just couldn't because I thought you wouldn't love me anymore".
Sage said", I will always love you Kion, just next time tell me that there was someone else okay"? Kion said", okay". Sage said now come on it's getting late let's go to bed".

Kion and Sage both walked side by side going back to pride rock sleeping peacefully together while Kion woke up Sage and said", hey Sage"? Sage said", hmm"? Kion go back to sleep". Kion licked her cheek and then that made her wide awake and he tackled her pinning her down. Sage said", hey what do you want"?

Kion said", oh nothing just Like doing this to people like you". Sage smirked. She started laughing hysterically. Kion said",what's so funny"?
Sage said", oh well I don't know, I just love laughing at you".

Kion looked confused. He said", oh okay". "What should we do now"?

Sage said ", I don't know", play tag"? ", tag your it Kion said.

As the two lion cubs ran around chasing each other, kion tackled Sage and pinned her making them both laugh. And then they both went to sleep peacefully.

Lol will start chapter 16 today and hopefully post it tomorrow
^^ sorry for short chapter lol. Kion lover out. 💕💗👌😘😍. Byee. ✌

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