Chapter 6

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I throw my keys down on the kitchen counter as I run my fingers through my hair.

How was I going to do this? Any of this? There was just too much on my plate. Too much. I was still in trouble from yesterday's episode with the FBI; my best friend was missing; I had to have some progress on this assignment within two days; oh and, I may or may not be falling for a crazy Whole Foods worker- who may or may not be involved in criminal activity. Criminal activity that could make or break my view of him.

Perfect. I'm telling you, my life right now is beyond perfect.

I walk over to the bathroom and begin to strip off my coffee-stained clothes as I enter my thinking time. I turn on the shower, adjusting the temperature, and step into the small box.

The hot water hits my skin rapidly, burning it slightly.

I slowly dip my entire body under the water, and a sense of calmness washes over me. Thank god, today's been such a disaster, a shower is exactly what I need.

I sigh. Now it's time to think. What am I going to do? What should my plan of attack be? And what should I really be focusing on? Finding Anita? Or figuring out Noah? And what am I going to do about my sensitivity to him? There has to be a way to fix that.

So many things to do in so little time.

What should I focus on first? Anita.

Suddenly the memories from yesterday flood my head. All of it. At once. The people. The blood. Death.

Shut up, Hally. Shut it off. Don't do this. Don't relive the moment.

Don't do this to yourself- you're not ready.

I sigh as I lean against the wall of the shower. Can't think about that. How about my plan of attack? Never mind, I wasn't in the right state of mind to think about that.

What now? Noah? I sigh once again. What was I going to do with him? He was just so... so. Frick, I couldn't find the right words. He was... indescribable. He is indescribable. He's crazy. Cute. His eyes, oh my gosh his eyes...

Frick. Step out of it Hally. You need to stop this. It's not healthy- he's not healthy for you. He's not right. He's so... spontaneous, and you're too... wild. You hunt people down for a living, and he sells groceries. That's not a match made in heaven. That's a couple that's bound to go to hell.

Frick. Can you stop Hally? He's the only thing you've been thinking about. Just because a guy spills coffee on you, and gives you attention, it doesn't mean you start going all fangirl mode on him.

Damn. Was I really that desperate for someone? Was I that desperate for a romantic relationship? Was I really that lonely? When was even the last time I dated? Who did I date last? Matt. Oh, Matt. When was that?

That was in med school. That was what-two years ago, a little before I joined the FBI?

Was I really off the battlefield for that long? Maybe that was my problem. Sorry- that is my problem. I was only fascinated with Noah because no guy has approached me like that lately. Yeah, that was it. My heart was just overreacting earlier today. Yup.

So what was my solution? Should I get back on the field? Start dating again? I mean, I wasn't really supposed to- but I'm an emotional twig, I need someone to take care of me.

I was a stupid, a stupid girl. Why was I so good at my job sometimes, but so poor at it at other times? It doesn't make sense. But again, when has my life ever made sense?

My best friend is missing, thousands are dead because of me, and I could lose my job if this assignment isn't done right, and here I am, thinking about my dating life. Seriously, what's up with me?

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