Chapter 30

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I toss and turn in bed, lost in the minty air around me. It wraps around me like a snake, slowly sucking the breath out of me, but releasing me controllably, only to repeat the process. Oddly, it's a reassuring, pleasurable feeling. My heart beating rapidly as my breath is stolen, then the rhythm stabilizes once my breath returns.

But only because Noah was the snake. His soft kisses were breathtaking, making me forget that my lungs were burning for air and that my chest was on fire from the lack of oxygen in my body.

His hands-

I let out a small gasp, my eyes widening, then squinting again as the rays of sunlight blind them.

I use my hand as a shield, and then once the thoughts from before settle in, I frantically turn my head side to side, looking for him. When I realize that it was a dream, I let out a sigh of relief, and lean against the headboard of my bed.

My heart rate slowly stabilizes, no longer needing to jump out of my chest. I take in deep breaths.

It felt so... real. Too real.

Disappointment sinks in, as the contents of the dream resurface themselves. I cringe at myself, scolding my subconscious for thinking about him without my consent. Sneaking up on me, constricting my breathing, igniting my skin on fire, suffocating in me most pleasantly.

I hate to love that feeling.

It makes me feel vulnerable.

And vulnerability... it's dangerous.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand, and I let out a groan as I push myself to reach for the device. My fingers struggling to get a grip on the slippery surface of the phone. I inch myself closer to the edge of the bed, still reaching for the phone as it lets out another ding.

I inch closer, my abdomen entirely off the bed, my feet still securing my balance on the bed.

The creak of a door and pillow colliding with my head ruins my balance, and I'm sent falling face flat on the floor.

I let out a long, frustrated groan as distinct giggling fills my ears. My nose tingling from the impact, I use all my strength to flip myself over so that I'm staring at the ceiling, squinting my eyes, my face aching.

Jaya's face appears in my line of vision, and the sight of her holding her hand to her face, chuckling, outrages me.

"That hurt," I mutter, her laughing becoming more prominent in my ears. She holds her hand out to me, and I grab it, relying on her weight to pick me up.

After several failed attempts, using every ounce of her energy, she manages to pull me up. When I finally gain my balance, I take the same pillow she threw at me, and throw it back at her.

She dodges it with the towel she's using the wring out her wet hair, and I return my attention to my phone as she rambles about something.

My heart skips a beat as I see unread texts from Noah. I feel myself unconsciously letting out a smile, soaking in the fact that he texted me, first.

I open the texts, soaking in the contents of them.

Good morning, love~

Woke up, thinking about you <3

The blush on my cheek spreads, darkening, and an immense sort of happiness flows through me.

My fingers, having a mind of their own, type back a response.

Morning <3

The smile on my face widens as I send the text message, and before I can see his reply, Jaya attacks me from behind, tackling me on the bed.

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