Chapter 27

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I tread the hallway, tugging my purse behind me, my fingers tracing lines in the wall.

The thoughts from earlier's conversation with Doug, roll through my head.

"He's using you," he started, bracing me, forcing me to listen to his words. "He followed you there, yesterday, so he could continue to use you. Mark my words Hally, you're just another challenge to him. He will use you, and hurt you. Mark my words," he commanded, the words going through my ears, but failing to reach my head.

It's not possible.

Noah wouldn't hurt me.


I know that I haven't known him for the longest time, but the time we've spent together- it's been real, hasn't it?

We've connected, he's been running around me, and I just learned to finally accept my feelings for him.

So I refuse to believe that this- isn't real.

But of course, my word isn't enough for Doug. I need to find proof that Noah is who he says he is. I need to go through his apartment, belongings, or whatever to prove his innocence.

God, I hope I don't find something to prove myself wrong.

To make things worse, I had no choice but to leave Doug's cameras in place, just in case if I did something "stupid". If I did remove them, I would be fired, instantly.

I drag my feet two more steps to the apartment door, and dig through my purse to find the keys, and unlock the door.

As soon as I walk in, I reach for the gun in my purse and conceal it in the air vent next to the shoe rack.

I flick off my shoes, not bothering to organize them in the rack, and I slowly make my way towards the kitchen, where I'm met with Noah's arms wrapping around me.

"Good morning," he whispers in my ear before tickling me just above my waist.

I tense up before I force a small giggle, and mold myself against Noah's body, fitting in perfectly, like a puzzle piece.

"Morning," I say with a fake smile, looking up to him, and he reaches down to plant a kiss on my lips. I can't help but glance at Doug's blinking camera, before I look at Noah, and kiss him back, smiling against his lips.

But he doesn't stop there.

He kisses me harder, urgently, and I can't help but fall into his storm of lightning.

By now, the electricity flows through me, like a river, knowing the way around without any help. Still distracted, I throw my arms around his neck, fiddling with the chain that sits there, and he pulls me in closer.

He moves a hand from my wait to my ponytail, and unties it, letting my hair run loose. He shuffles his fingers through it, confidently, bringing me closer, and my uncertainty grows, and I unintentionally grip his biceps, using it to steady my shaking body.

He takes it as a sign to carry me, using the boost of my legs, wrapping them around his waist. His lips still moving against mine, he walks us over to the kitchen, where he sits me down on the counter where I had dug a bullet out of my abdomen.

I feel his hands sliding under my shirt, fingers drawing patterns on my hips, the coolness of his ring stinging. I ignore it, peering at the sink where that same bullet sat untouched, under a pile of junk.

I must have stopped kissing him or something because I'm taken out of my thoughts as Noah readjusts my gaze to him. He looks to the sink, trying to follow my original gaze.

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