Chapter 40

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I apply one more coat of mascara. 

There. That should do it. 

I step away from the mirror, taking a look at myself. I'm wearing jeans with a cropped top (again). Cute, but casual. 

I didn't want to wear anything fancy, because Noah and I were only going up to the rooftop. It's pretty up there, but I want to save my energy for something else. 

Like making sure that Jaya's security detail is top-notch tonight. This is the first time I'm leaving her alone in the apartment since the incident. I'm going to be in the same building as her, yes, but that isn't enough. 

Someone can easily kill her with a gunshot through the window. She can't be alone. I don't care if she's old enough to take care of herself, she just can't be alone. 

I take out my phone, reading Doug's texts. 

Extra security will be there in five. 

Once you leave, I'll send two agents inside the apartment to watch your sister and one guard outside the apartment door. She should be safe. 

Thank the lord for Doug. He's an ass, but at least he's there when you need him. I send him my thanks and gather my things just as the bathroom door swings open. 

"Hey sis, excited for your big date?" Jaya questions, propping herself on the bathroom counter so she's looking at me. 

I let out an unintentional blush while rolling my eyes. 

"It's not a date... it's for work," I whisper. 

This time she rolls her eyes. 

"Sure it is."

Ignoring her comment, I close the bathroom door again so that Noah (wherever he is), can't hear what I'm about to say. 

"Look, I'm going up to the rooftop with Noah. I shouldn't take long, but I have a quick task for you to do while I'm gone," I pause to catch her nod. "I found a name on Noah's phone... Laday, look that up for me, will you? And see if it's connected to the Black Marker. Okay?"

She nods again, writing the name down with a pen on the palm of her hand. 

"You went through his phone?" she smirks, looking back up to me. 

"Work," I justify, but her grin only widens. 

"And Doug's placing two federal agents in the apartment with you tonight, so be careful with the research, okay? Remember that me telling you all this stuff is considered illegal," I explain, and she lets out a small laugh. 

"I'm always careful."

"Sure you are, now I have to go okay? When I come back, we'll do ice cream and a movie? I know I've only spent time with you because of work and everything, so I want to make it up to you," I say, small amounts of worry and guilt creeping up on me for letting my sister explore the dark pits of my world. 

Her face brightens up. 

"We're watching the Karate Kid," she announces. I give her a small smile and pull her in for a hug just as the bathroom door opens again. 

It's Noah. 

"Oh sorry, am I ruining a moment?" he asks as he steps away from us. Pulling Jaya and I away from our hug I smile. 

"No, no, she was just getting ready to leave. Take her on her date Mr. Prince Charming," Jaya cheers on. 

I meet his bright eyes as they smile at me, and I smile back. He takes my hand, pulling me out of the bathroom, handing me my coat as we walk to the door of the apartment. 

"Well, shall we, love?" he queries, opening the door, motioning me out the door. 

"Yes, we shall."

A/N: Aren't you proud?! Two chapters in ONE day?? Especially after a mega-long hiatus... I know this doesn't make up for all the time I was out, but I swear I'm about to start working on the next chapter RIGHT NOW. Ahh. Only a few more chapters before this book's done. I can't wait to start writing the sequel yayy. But anyways, read on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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