Chapter 11

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It's when the cab stops at The Chelsea, that I realize that Noah's jacket is still clinging to me. I lightly take in the scent of his jacket, and the smell of his cologne overwhelms my nostrils. It's nice, but in the most toxic way.

I take the jacket off my shoulders and carry it in my arms as I strut through the lobby. I step into the elevator, press the button, and wait as it slowly takes me up to the eleventh floor.

So... tonight. How was tonight? Different. Unexpected. Slightly Pathetic. I got stood up on my first date in years- way to build up my confidence, God.

But Noah- the night with him wasn't so bad. I mean, it was bad, with his interest in me. But, overall, he wasn't awful. He made me smile. And... gosh, I don't know. What I feel for him is still undecided.

Wait. I'm not supposed to feel anything for him. Ugh. He's my assignment. He's my mark. He's my ticket to being number one, again. That's what I've been telling myself that all weekend. But of course, all of that hard work- gone, gone by this stupid date that wasn't really a date. Perfect.

I groan loudly as the elevator doors open to the dimly lit floor. I sulk out of the small rectangle, into the hallway, and suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stand up. 

Something's wrong here.

I walk slowly in the direction of my apartment, looking back and forth for a sign of trouble. But nothing. Everything's empty.

I don't hear anything, either. No footsteps. No metal clinking against each other. No obnoxious breathing.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. Long night?

I sigh as I pick up the pace, fiddling within my clutch, finding the apartment's keys.

I stop in front of the door as I pull out the keys, and slide one of them in the lock. 

Turn, and click. The door swings open to the dark figure of the apartment, everything stiff, and silent.

I sigh. Finally, I can sleep.

I step into the apartment, throwing Noah's jacket and my clutch on the kitchen counter as I struggle to untie the laces of my shoes.

I slide the high tops off, revealing the two guns I managed to stash. I chuckle to myself, as I pull them out, throwing them slightly within the palm of my hands. Guess I didn't need these, after all.

I begin walking to the living room when I hear a shuffle.

I freeze.


Before I can process what's happening, a large hand reaches from behind me and pulls me as my face is lined with a plastic sheet, suffocating me.

A/N: *small gasp* *continues eating popcorn* vote, vote, vote if you want to see what happens next*

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