Chapter 38

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I don't know how long we stood there, consuming each other, but it abruptly ended when Noah's hand found its way to my stomach.

His fingers we brushing along my abdomen, slowly massaging the area until he slowly feels the uneven bandages from my bullet wound.

He breaks the kiss.

"What the-" he lets out, lifting my shirt just above my belly button to reveal the pile of gauze hugging my stomach.

I curse at myself silently as his fingers purposely brush the gauze. The wound should have been long gone by now, but a couple of weeks ago I must've bumped into something because it started bleeding heavily. So I had to stitch it and bandage it again.

I use my hand to pull down the shirt from his grip, but he's stronger than me, and keeps the shirt up, observing the bloodstains on the gauze.

"What is this?" he demands, pulling the shirt down, looking at me, brows furrowed. "Why do you have bandages? And why are they bleeding?" he grunts, his arms folding over his chest. Rather than looking away, I meet his eyes; they're clouded with disappointment and fear.

My pulse picks up again, beating rapidly against my skin, and I can feel myself get hot as I struggle to find a response to him. My thoughts scramble as they search for ways to lie to him.

"Nothing, I bumped myself against the counter the other day, and I just got hurt a little," I lie in my best calm voice, forcing for the red on my face to neutralize, taking a soft inhale.

He looks at me cautiously, refusing to buy my lies, yet his face softens as my words work their magic, seeping into his head.

But then an invisible force disrupts the process, and hardness returns to his look.

"Then let's change your bandages. There's blood on it," he comments coldly, staring at me straight in the eye, refusing to blink.

His anger radiating onto me, I take another deep breath, smiling widely, staring back into his cold abyss.

"It's fine, I just changed it yesterday," I comment, stepping away from the wall, walking towards the kitchen.

His hand slams in front of me, onto the wall, blocking me. His face is hard for a split second before his mouth melts into a smile, trying to conceal the anger tucked away in his eyes.

But before he has the chance to speak, a knocking sounds come from the door, and in unison, our heads turn in the direction of the sound.

"Hello," a squeaky voice calls out. "Can you two lovebirds pause for a second and open the door for me, I have a lot of things in my tiny hands," Jaya complains, and a wave of relief flies over me.

Noah throws a glance in my direction before moving to the door and opening it. Jaya comes in, her hands full of bags of unnecessary groceries.

"Morning sis, how are you feeling?" she chirps brightly, ignoring the busted condition of my body.

"I'm okay," I lie, eying Noah momentarily before walking over to the kitchen stool.

"Because you look like a crack," she comments, taking out items in the bags she placed on the counter.

"Whatever," I reply, rolling my eyes, watching Noah carefully form the corner of my eye as he disappears into the bathroom. Once I'm sure to hear the lock click, I hiss at Jaya to get her attention.

"What?" she asks obliviously, piling the groceries in the fridge.

"Stop playing with the groceries, and pack your bags. You're going home tonight," I whisper, hoping that I was quiet enough to keep my voice hidden from him.

She turns around looking at me in shock, putting her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean? You're busted, you can't send me home. You need my help. You need someone to take care of you," she replies, staring me down.

I scoff at her in a fake dose of confidence, knowing she's right. The injuries I sustained last night- especially my shoulder would take weeks to heal properly. It could take months before I can throw a punch.

But something trivial like my health won't stand in Jaya's safety. I would figure a way out to take care of myself. I had to. From now on, I only have myself to rely on.

"Jaya, I will figure something out. But for now, you have to leave New York. Your life is in danger," I warn her as Tom's corpse burns through my head.

Shit. I still have to report that.

She only rolls her eyes at my weak attempt at keeping her safe and continues.

"Really? Keep me safe? You've used that excuse on me before," she laughs, continuing with her grocery organizing.

I scold myself for using that reason before pushing her away. Of course when I meant it is when she doesn't believe me.


"J,  I'm dead serious. Your life was threatened last night. People had you had gunpoint. Why do you think I had Noah come over?" I reason, regret floating through me as my new sense of doubt grows in my stomach.

"Okay, sure. Let's say you're right, for argument's sake," she clarifies. "Then wouldn't it be safer for me to stay with you and Noah to keep me safe," she smiles. "It would be better than having these stalkers hunt me down to Boston and put mom and dad in danger, wouldn't it?" she questions, her smile widening at her logic.

Frick. Why didn't I think of mom and dad?

Yes, I'm their disgraceful child, and will always be their disgraceful child. But I still love them. And I don't want them to get hurt. Because I love them, even if that love isn't returned.

But I still can't keep Jaya near me.

"Keeping you here isn't any safer. I don't trust Noah," I admit in a quieter voice, making it so that my words are barely audible.

Her mouth finds a way to twist itself as she comes to the counter, propping her face with her elbows.

"You don't trust Noah?" she clarifies mockingly. "If you don't trust Noah, why do you molest his mouth inside out every time you see him?!" she whispers shouts.

I feel red shoot through my cheeks as I cover my face in embarrassment, groaning.

"Stop it, you know why," I say, hoping that she understands that he's my assignment. I'm supposed to do whatever to figure out his ambitions. Whatever I need to do.

The sentence lingers on in my head before I push it away, refocusing on Jaya.

"I know why, but I trust you. If anything happens, you'll be there to protect me. I know it. Please di," she begs, and I roll my eyes at her.

I slam a fist on the counter.

"Jaya, it's too risky, pack your bags," I demand, frustrated at her countless arguments.

She's right, I would go to the ends of Earth to protect her, I loved her that much. And while keeping me in the same room calmed my nerves, I knew that after last night, Black Marker would come after me. They wouldn't spare me. And I don't want Jaya to get caught in the crossfire.

Especially if Noah is involved.

"You need me, I need you, please Hal," she desperately wishes with pounds of sadness filled in her, and ultimately without words, I feel myself accepting her wishes.

I need her. She's been gone for so long.

No Hally, don't do this. Don't give in.

"Fine, you can stay."

A/N: Why did this take so long to write? I'm not sure. But it's finally out :/

Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, thank you for making it this far ahh.

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