Chapter 20

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I feel the surge of lightning burst through me, as his lips dive further into mine, consuming me. I push back, cupping his cheek with one hand, and grabbing his hair with another, pulling him in closer.  I feel his palm trace to my waist, gripping it tight, making his efforts to bring me in close. I feel my chest burn at his proximity.

As his lips part, I feel his minty breath enter my mouth, stimulating my insides, exciting my senses, being able to feel everything. From every breath, to every curve on his body... it was exhilarating. Why do I love this feeling?

He separates from me momentarily, and without thinking, I pull him back in, letting a small laugh escape from his mouth as I smile against his lips. He moves one hand to my hair, clutching it loosely, moving it slowly up my scalp.

Our small moment of intimacy is ruined by an obnoxious ringing from my phone. I ignore it at first, continuing to caress him, but he pulls away, smiling slightly.

"Aren't you going to take that, love?" he asks lightly, eying my phone, then me. I loosen my grip on him and turn around to my phone where it rings profusely.

I can't see the caller ID from here, but I know that at this moment, I don't want to be with anyone except Noah. Call it lust, call it stupidity, but right now, I'm lost- and I want to stay that way because I've never felt more alive.

"No," I answer, turning back to him just as the ringing stops.

I small grin appears on his face, as he pulls me by the waist, and guides my arms around to his neck.

"I don't know what happened to you in the last week, because you've been all over me, today, and I love it. I love that you want me like I'm wanting you," he says quietly, bringing his face close to mine, staring into my eyes. I stare back,  looking into his eyes, wanting to get lost further in his gaze.

My heart pumps rapidly, but I don't care, it feels like a drug at this point, and I can't help but want more.

I lean closer to him until our noses are touching.

"Really?" I whisper, with a burst of confidence.

"Really," he says, taking a sharp exhale, attempting to close the distance between our mouths, but we're interrupted by the ringing of my phone.


I groan in frustration, turning in the direction of the phone.

"You sure, you don't want to answer that love? Seems like someone wants your attention, badly," Noah jokes around, tickling a sensitive spot above my waist.

I let out a small giggle before crawling to the area where my phone was sitting, Noah behind me. I flip over the phone, checking the caller ID, seeing it was Ben.

I groan slightly, thinking how I never got back to him when he called the other day, asking about the date. Now wasn't the time to talk to him about it. I ignore the call and throw the phone back where I picked it up from.

I turn my attention back to Noah.

There's a hesitant look in his eyes, as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ben.. who's that?" he asks curiously, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I smirk- taking this as an opportunity to relax the creases on his forehead.

" jealous?" I say jokingly, being sure to let the humor slide out my mouth transparently. Noah catches the whimsical look in my eye and decides to play along, a grin emitting from his mouth.

"Jealous... but of you, for landing this Ben guy. How'd you do it? Tell me your ways," he says amusingly, and in return, I let out a laugh, but am once again interrupted by the sounds of my phone.

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