Chapter 5

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What was I going to do? This couldn't be happening to me. Why was timing so annoying at times?

"I'm so sorry. So, so sorry," Noah repeats for the thousandth time as he collects napkins from Philip.

I stare at the large spill that's displayed across my chest, and I sigh once again.

"It is what it is, it's fine," I tell him with frustration lined in my voice, as I look up to him, and snatch the napkins from his hands, cleaning myself before he has the chance to pull any tricks.

"Oh okay, yeah you're welcome," he remarks, a sarcastic pain edging through his voice.

I stop cleaning my dress for a second and look at him, and I can't help but laugh at his face.

"You're welcome? Really? For what? For spilling coffee on me, and for burning me? Yeah no," I snap.

"When you say it like that- yeah it's my bad... but in my defense, you were in my way," he slurs.

I raise my eyebrows at him and continue to rip napkins out of his hands, cleaning, trying my best to ignore his presence.

"I'm Noah, by the way," he pipes up as he flashes a bright smile.

As if that'll fix anything.

I scoff before responding with, "And I'm not interested" in my best monotone voice.

I stop cleaning and look up to him, and instantly I wish those words never rolled off my tongue. I can't help but stare into his hazel eyes, and within seconds, I'm lost. My eyes follow the rest of his face and I forget how to breathe. He's just that attractive.  Good eyes and amazing facial features to complement those.

Wait. Does that even make sense? What am I doing to myself? I'm in the FBI- I shouldn't be like this. I should be detached, and emotionless. I shouldn't be getting whooped off my feet by some Whole Foods hottie- who may or may not be doing more bad than good. I mentally slap myself before I shake myself out of my thoughts, and begin to breathe again.

Noah is staring at me.

"Did I lose you for a second there, love?" he asks, plastering a crooked smile and stepping closer to me.

I fake a laugh and then go back to cleaning.

"Oh don't worry, I caught you staring- but if you prefer to keep it a secret or something, my lips are sealed. I won't tell anyone," he jokingly tells me, coming even closer to me. He's only a couple of inches away from my face. I feel my face getting hot, and I could swear that there's some sweat trickling down my forehead. I take a deep breath, and once again, I look up at him, preparing myself, just in case I get put in a trance again.

"Listen- Noah was it? I'm not interested okay. So please-please stop doing whatever you're doing and leave me alone," I tell him sternly- hoping that I sound confident enough to shoo him away.

A smirk appears on his face.

"You know love, you're saying one thing but doing another- which is why I don't believe you,"

"Wha- what do you mean?"

He puts a finger against my lip, the cool, metallic ring hitting my lip. He motions for me to look down, and I obey.

Frick. What was wrong with me today? How did I get here? I was firmly pressed against his body, holding onto him, as one of his arms was wrapped around my waist.

Seriously. How did this happen?

I quickly push against him, and take three big steps back, trying to put as much distance I can between us.

This only makes him laugh.

"I like you. You're different. A little crazy- but I like that. And you're sensitive to me... it's cute " he eyes at me while keeping up his flirty smile.

What's going on? I feel dizzy, and everything feels distant. Why do I feel this way? Am I really out of it? To the point where I act like a teenage girl when a cute guy flirts with me?

I mentally slap myself again.

"Me? Crazy? No, no- you're the crazy one. And because of that- I'm leaving, so goodbye," I scold.

I glance sideways at Philip and take my card from him, stuffing it in my wristlet.

As I walk out, he calls out, "Can I at least get your name?"

I scoff to myself. He was crazy. I turn around and face him.

"No... what good will it do? You're never going to see me again, so what's the point?" I smile even though I know that's not true.

He looks at me for a second, putting his hands in his bright green apron before responding.

"Well, you can't guarantee that, no matter how hard you try. But even if you can, which you probably can't, a name could do a lot of good. I could watch corny Tik Tok's to see if our names make us compatible- you know what teenagers do when they have a little thing for someone. Just like how teenagers push away their 'crushes', play the hard-to-get game- sort of like what you're doing now," he smirks.

I don't know if I should be shocked or humored at his logic. He's right of course- about me acting like a teenager, but I swear it's not because I have a crush on him, but it's because I don't know how to tame myself when I see an attractive guy. It's not the same thing I swear.

My heart is picking up a pace, and I can feel it trying to escape my chest. I hate this feeling.

"I'm not acting like a teenager. I'm just- I don't like when people corner me, especially when they flirt with me. And as for the other part- funny, but now- you're not getting my name," I snap.

He looks at me, and his smile widens.

"But... if I had your name, I could find you on social media, do a little cute, but not creepy stalking, follow you on Insta, become friends, convince you to date me, et cetera, et cetera- you see where I'm going with this?"  he asks.

"I see where you're going... and while your charm might get you places, it's not taking you anywhere, right now. I don't find that whole stalking thing attractive."

"You might not find that attractive, but you think I'm attractive even despite you thinking I'm crazy. And that's okay, because I find you attractive, and I'm not giving up on you," he enunciates.

I laugh at myself and take a good look at him.

He's wild. Crazy. But... there's something about him. Something that makes me want to jump up and down with excitement. Gosh, why am I acting so immature about this? I hate this.

This is why I respond with, "Alina. Now please leave me alone."

His face lights up, and before he has the chance to gloat, I turn back, I walk out of the store- coffee less. As I step out onto the streets of New York City, I'm certain about two things.

1: I was falling for this stranger- whoever he was. I don't understand how could this be happening. 2: I had no idea what to do next.

A/N: This was my favorite scene I wrote (for a while) because I love how Noah and Hally/ Alina's personality clashed 🥺

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