Chapter 25

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I feel the minty, fresh leather overtake my senses as my eyes flicker their way open, the sun's rays restricting them.

I take in the view from here. Noah's chest, lightly heaving its way up, and down. His breathing remains steady as his arm clings around me, hugging me close, as his eyes remain shut.

I sigh, a smile appearing on my face, as I tighten my grip around his waist, readjusting my head on his chest.

Last night was great.

We did nothing but watch The Vampire Diaries on my couch, and ate endless packets of Cup Noodles.

But it was the best.

Aside from the part that Noah was Team Stelena, while I was Team Delena. He thought that Elena deserved a guy like Stefan: Stable, nice, loving. But I argued that Stefan is boring. His character evolves after Elena dumps him.

Meanwhile, Damon is exciting. He's the bad boy. Exciting. Exhilarating. He keeps Elena in this trance of adventure. It's one of those relationships that you wish you had, but are scared of having.

Yes, it's true that Delena has a bit of a toxic-like relationship, but their determination to keep on fighting together is inspiring. Couple goals.

At the end of the night, I'd like to think I won, because I was quite passionate about the argument. I've always had a thing for TVD.

And it's nice to have someone to talk to it about.

Obviously, that's not the only thing I could talk to Noah about.

Last night...

The way we both consumed each other, in our sorrows... I never felt that before. And, I'm not scared to feel it again, because I know Noah's going to be there as my support beam.

I don't know what I was so scared about earlier. Everything was going perfectly. It had been less than 12 hours since I agreed to this intimate relationship with Noah, but I already felt like I was floating on clouds.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, on the couch.

If that isn't the start to a rom-com, dreamy relationship, then what is?

The thought makes me smile as I look back up at Noah's resting face.

I lift my hand, and softly brush my fingers against his cheek, soothing the light hairs on it, overall soaking in every curve of his face.

I stare at it some more, taking in every detail, every bump... I don't want to forget any of it.

It's all too perfect.

My thoughts are then interrupted by the constant, yet quiet pinging from my phone. I groan as I separate myself from Noah, and climb over to the end of the couch to reach for my phone.

I unlock it to see that I have an incoming text from Doug.

I let out another frustrated groan, smacking my head against the couch a couple of times, before reading the text.

Need you at the office NOW.

It's important.

I feel my good mood evaporate as I re-read the texts, again, and again, making sure that I'm reading it right.

It's 8 in the morning, and he wants me to come down there, right now?

With Noah, on the couch?


Why did life have to be so cruel like this?

I let out a grunt, as I untangle myself from the blanket, and slouch over to the bathroom.

While I begin to brush my teeth, I take a good look at myself, observing my lines, and features.

What does Noah find in me? What does he find in me, that he won't stop pestering me about?

I don't know, but a wave of relief flies over me, knowing that it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that he chose me. Me.

I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and place my toothbrush back in its case.

I strip from yesterday's clothes and step into the shower, adjusting the temperature, and watch the drips of rain fall on my hair, and my body, soaking it entirely.

I quickly run the shampoo through my hair and wash my body in its entirety, wanting to get to the office quickly.

Once I finish my quick shower, I wrap my hair in a towel turban, as I begin applying my moisturizer, and swish on a couple of layers of mascara.

Once I'm done with that, I take a good look at my face, making sure that it looks presentable. From now on, it can only look presentable.

It had to.

I get out of the bathroom, and quickly throw on a black pantsuit. Finally taking my hair out of the towel, I tie the damp, curly hair in a low ponytail, leaving a couple of the front strands out.

I grab my purse, and stuff a gun in it as a precaution, and begin making my way out, but then I notice Noah, sound asleep on my couch.

I sigh as he cradles himself up in a little ball, snoring softly.

Oh, how much I wanted to go hide on that couch with him.

But work.

Work was a thing.

I go to the kitchen, and dig through some of the drawers, finding a pack of Post-Its and a pen.

I quickly scribble down

Sorry- work emergency. I'll be back soon.

Just when I'm capping the pen, I decided to include

Don't you dare go anywhere.

I smile at my somewhat cutesy note, and stick it on his forehead carefully. He'll be able to find it there... right?

Staring at him, once again, I plant a soft kiss on his forehead, already dreading leaving his side.

But, I don't have a choice.

I groan, and grab my keys, and slam the door behind me, smiling the minute I get out the door.

Gosh, these feelings are changing me.

A/N: Are they not couple goals? Let me know in the comments who's your favorite all time ship.

Vote if you think that Doug's a bit of a party pooper at times :/

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