Chapter 21

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My eyes slowly flutter open, and I'm met with darkness. I look around as my eyes adjust to the low light, getting a sense of where I am.

I'm on a bed of some sort, and the digital clock next to me reads 5:07 AM. It's early in the morning, so I must have slept over. I dig myself out of the series of blankets on me, and make my way to the nearest window, opening its curtain, taking a peek outside.

It's relatively quiet, with little to no cars on the road. A few people are walking in the streets, listening to music, or texting on their phones. Everyone's moving along with their lives, content, enjoying nature's beauty. It looks peaceful. Stress-free.

I'm put out of my thoughts as a groan emits from my right. I swivel in the direction of the sound, tiptoeing to the source.

I guide myself to a couch where I notice Noah stretched out on the couch, softly snoring.


As I look around, soaking in the small studio apartment, last night's memories flood through my brain.

The movie. The kiss. The phone call with Ben. And crying in Noah's arms.

Anger spurges through my blood, making its way throughout my body, and I can't help but feel a sudden hatred for everything around me.

Anger towards myself, for being so desperate that I had to resort to Noah, for support. And for kissing him, and enjoying it.

But I also felt anger for letting Ben's words get to me, knowing I was stronger than this. I felt anger towards him, for going against me, rather than grieving with me.

Anita was his friend as much as mine, but like everyone around me, he saw me as the enemy, acting as if I set the torch to Anita's death.

I partially did, but that was beside the point.

He acted as if I was fine throughout this entire thing, acted as if I was emotionless. He, of all people, should know the truth.

I understand, I do, how important Anita was to him. She got him a job as a CIA Technician, she played a helping hand in getting him and Calvin together, she was the glue to his life.

She was an ultimate goddess, I of all people knew that... but, him saying those words shattered something in me.

Something that had been trying so hard not to break.

Lastly, I felt anger towards The Black Marker- whoever they were. They stole something from me, and I will make it my life's mission to destroy them.

To make them go through the pain that I'm going through.

Even if I have to do it by myself.

Chard of energy bursts through me, and I need to let out another scream or to do something about Anita's death.

I refuse to sit around, complaining like a little girl.

I have to do something. I need to get out of here.

I find my purse on the nightstand, next to the bed I was sleeping on. I quietly tiptoe there, grabbing it hastily, confirming that all my belongings were still there.

Had my gun, taser, lipstick, and whatever else I needed to survive.

I start to make my way out, but my eye catches Noah, letting out a shiver.

A strange sense of calmness washes over me.

Without giving much thought, I walk to the bed, grab a blanket he had given me the night before, and drape it on his still body, making sure he's tucked in well.

He looks at rest while sleeping, and I almost feel bad for making him babysit me last night. Almost.

I unwillingly brush my finger against his cheek, clearing the strand of hair. Staring at him, I realize that I wish that whatever happened last night, could be a reality between us. I'm usually a romantic buff, optimistic for two souls that shouldn't be together. But with Noah, I don't need my gut to tell me it's wrong. It's wrong for several reasons. I admit, that last night was a mistake, but a part of me wants him.

Wants him to laugh with me when I'm being stupid. Wants him to cry with me during a sad movie. Wants him to be there for me. I can't help it.

I wonder what things would be like between us if I met him outside of work?

Would I be madly in love with him? Yes.

Would I never let go of him, if I ever got ahold of him? Yes.

Would I have dated him? Perhaps.

But this job- my job, changes everything. Noah's bad for me. He's a criminal, and he hurt people... even though there was no sign of that, yet.

I had to be careful.

Which is why I had to drop this case. Someone else would have to do it.

Doug would understand. He would let me drop this case, especially with Anita's murder.

I was going to ask to work on The Black Marker case, and he was going to let me because he knew that I needed this.

And if he didn't...

I walk back to the door, taking one last glance at Noah.

Bye, Bailey.

And I shut the door behind me, as I step into the hallway, walking away, forever.

A/N: Soo, Noah's out of the picture now? Kinda curious though, to see where this is going to go. Especially with The Black Marker thing. How about you guys?

Vote if you miss Noah already :(

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