Chapter 39

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The next few weeks pass. Christmas, New Year- all gone. But not once do Noah or Jaya leave my side.

It's not like they had much of a choice. I was reluctant on letting Jaya go anywhere by herself. The memories from a few weeks ago refused to disperse.

And Noah. I had no idea how to feel about him. I tried to figure him out the last few weeks, but he let nothing slip. Nothing too much.

I have to find out. It's not okay to get comfortable with him quite yet. I've been reckless since I've met him, and I need to change that. I can't be weak and wounded while my sister's life is hanging on a thread.

I need to step up. I need to do better.

I get up from the shoulder press, circling my arms as they ache with a familiar pain. A part of my way to get back on track from my injury was physical rehabilitation. Already familiar with the process, I refused the FBI's offer on getting myself a therapist to help me with the restoration of my shoulder.

I'd done this before, and I'll do it again. I can fix myself. I am fixing myself. I was off the necessary machinery and extra equipment needed to keep my shoulder stable. I could walk without pain, high-five a friend without trouble, and hell, I could even deliver a decent punch across the face. What more could I need?

I grab the small towel from the shelf next to me, wiping off any excess sweat from my body. Taking my belongings, I attack my water bottle, pouring its contents inside my mouth as chills swarm over my body from the temperature of the liquid.

I step out of the dark fitness room, dragging my feet across the lobby floors, nodding my head at the receptionist. Once I reach the elevators, it manages to take me up, and when I open the door to my apartment, the first thing I do is slump against the kitchen counter.

I heave heavy breaths in and out of my system, slowing my racing heart from my workout. No matter how many times I do it, I will never get used to the adrenaline rush it gives you before your insides need to rip themselves out.

I hate it.

Snores distracting my thoughts, I turn my head towards Noah who's lazily spread along on my couch.

Eyes wandering, I spot his phone screen light up, and with curiosity getting the best of me, I can't help but walk up to the beckoning machine.

Picking the phone up, I see several notifications, but they all seem to turn into dust when my eyes harden at the name 'Laday' on the screen.

There were over 30 messages from them, and curiosity blossoms inside of me as I think back to the times where Noah's heart would stop at a phone call from this person... who I assume, is the same person I thought was Lady.


I have the strongest temptation to unlock his phone and go through all the messages, but something told me that whatever I was about to uncover would change how things would go from now on. And while I was more than ready for that, and to bust his bum into jail for hurting my friends... hesitation still sits in my chest.

I've been reckless, I know that. But this case... the mixed feelings I have. My best friend is dead. I get that. I need to avenge her death.

But Noah- is he really the person to blame? I don't want the wrong person to get caught up in Anita's death.

Yes, I did find a gun on him the other day, and while that serves as proof that he's involved in something dangerous, my heart can't bring myself to turn him in. It's stupid, I know, something is stopping me, and I don't know what.

But this needs to end... now.

I push my guilt aside, and unlock Noah's phone using the password I saw him input repeatedly. When the phone opened, I let out a large breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Ignoring the rush of notifications, I go straight for the messages app where Laday's unread texts sit.

The second my finger touches the app, I'm met with a passcode screen. Groaning in frustration, I type in the same password as his phone, but I'm met with an error page.

Why is his messages app passcode protected? There's no need to protect texts from someone unless you have something to hide.

My phone's messages are password protected too, but that's because I have important information to conceal.

But what about him? What is he hiding?

Groans emit from him, and as a sign I lock his phone, putting it back where I picked it from.

As I feel him waking up, I crawl down on the couch next to him, cuddling myself in his embrace. His arms wrap around me and he plants a soft kiss in my hair. 

"Good morning, love. How was PT?" he grumbles, his eyes still closed, his head now tucked in my shoulder. 

Smiling, ignoring the giant lump in my throat, I nod. 

"It went well, less pain today," I reply, looking up at him. 

On cue, his eyes open, staring at me admirably, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. This simple gesture can't help but make me feel guilty. Less than thirty seconds ago, I was snooping through his phone. Now here I am, appreciating his simple actions. 

What am I doing? 

"Now that's good, you've been stuck to your bed for too long. It's time for you to start moving again," he smiles genuinely. 

Rolling my eyes at him, I run my fingers through his messy hair, letting the softness comfort my fingers. It's strangely relaxing. Just him and I, sitting in the darkness, silently. It's not uncomfortable. 

"Can we do something tonight?" Noah asks after several minutes of silence. 

"Like what?"

"Go out. We never got that date, did we?" he comments, stroking my cheek with his hand. 

My smile fades, and the memories from Jaya's stalkers, the fight, Tom, and everything related to this case comes back to me in a swift, and my heart picks up its pace. 

"I don't want to leave Jaya alone though," I answer, suddenly getting defensive. 

Noah's hand drops from me, propping himself up on his elbow, looking slightly annoyed. Before he can get the chance to argue with me, I continue. 

"Look, I know I've been distant and very forward on protecting Jaya, but I swear it's just a big sister thing. I don't want her to get lost or get hurt. You saw what happened to be a few weeks ago."

His expression softens. 

"I know, I know. And I understand. Really, I do. And I'm not saying we full-on abandon the girl. Just maybe go to the rooftop tonight, for an hour," he tries to convince, clearly wanting me out of the house for some reason. 

For alone time? Maybe. But why? Or is there some other reason?

I drum my fingers slowly on the couch, my wheels turning. 

He'd been quite persistent on going out for a while now. Yeah, it's possible that he genuinely wanted to spend some time with me, but I've told him this over and over again. 

What's he trying to do? Is he trying to get me away from Jaya? Could he really be dangerous?

While I don't want to take my chances to see, I think I have to. 

"Okay, that sounds good," I admit. But for extra protection, I'm going to have extra detail on Jaya tonight. FBI surrounding the building and everything. I can't take any chances with her. 

After all, you never know when sociopaths will come knocking on your door. 

A/N: Hey, it's been a while! I know I've been MIA a bit, but I swear I've been working on V.R. every time inspiration hit. And I've been prepping for the sequel too so that's exciting... after all, this story is coming to an end hehe. Well, thanks for sticking around. 

Until next time ✌🏽

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