I Fell In Love With You on New Year's Eve - Chapter 1

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Iwaizumi Hajime stood next to his three best friends and fellow third years just outside of a crowded room, listening to the television countdown the time, waiting to ring in the New Year. He was very aware of his body, physically present, but his mind was nowhere to be found, thoughts slowly trickling out of his head and into space where he wished they would stay and get lost, slowly being sucked up by the lack of oxygen and never making their way back down to earth.


He didn't know how he had gotten himself into this mess.


Why did he have to catch feeling for someone who was probably going to fly away someday?


He wasn't good enough, not nearly worthy enough, to even call the man his best friend.


Let alone be in love with him.


His anxieties told him that this was a bad idea that it wasn't too late to turn back.


But despite all of this, the only thing that he could think about was kissing him.


He knew that he was being selfish, but he couldn't help it. He wanted this. He needed him.


His thoughts quickly plummeted back down to earth, suddenly forcing him to turn his body, now fully facing his best friend. "Tooru..." the name silently fluttered off of his lips, but it was just enough to gain the other man's attention.


"Iwa-chan," he smiled back, a playful grin pulling on his lips. Iwaizumi grasped the other's hands and pulled him in, slowly, then all at once...


"Hajime, I swear to god, I have been calling you for the past 45 minutes! If you don't get your ass out of bed right now you're going to be late for school! And turn that damn thing off while you're at it, it's getting on my nerves."

Iwaizumi quickly jolted up in bed at the sound of his mother just outside of his door. He looked down at his phone, which appeared to have been playing his alarm tone on repeat for almost an hour now, and groaned.

It was just a dream. Yeah, that's all it was, was just a dream. You need to calm down, Hajime, dreams don't mean a damn thing. The subconscious is weird. I was texting Oikawa before I fell asleep, that must be why I dreamed about him. Yeah, that's it. Nothing to worry about.

He rolled over and turned off the alarm, choosing to check his notifications in favor of five more minutes under the covers; it didn't take him long to get ready, anyway, so he had time. He swiped through the banners crowding his screen, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual. A few emails; one from coach about practice later, a couple of spam emails, and one from the local sports store, notifying him of a flash sale that was happening on ping pong balls. A couple of messages in the group chat, mostly just Mattsun and Makki poking back and forth at each other. He snorted as he read through them, sending an annoyed looking emoji and letting it be. Finally, he had almost reached the end and just had one more to clear off the screen before he had to force himself to emerge from the warmth and actually be a functioning human being.

One New Message From: Shittykawa

His breath hitched.

Okay, you need to calm down, there's no need to get all worked up. It was just a dream, after all. Just open the message, send a snarky response, and move on. Simple.

His plan proved to be anything but simple. When he opened the message, he was greeted with the face of his best friend sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth through a grin and throwing a peace sign. Good morning Iwa-chan! Went for a run this morning and saw a porcupine that reminded me of you! He was spiky and cute :) See you at schoooool <3

He felt his heart rate pick up, threatening to beat out of his chest, and his hands grew clammy. No matter how much mental coaxing he was doing, he was unable to pull his eyes from the grinning face in front of him. Normally he would have been annoyed at receiving a selfie so early in the morning, but now he couldn't help but let his eyes linger. The way that the sides of Oikawa's eyes were crinkling from the smile. The way that the tip of his nose was pink from the chilly morning air. The way that his lips were upturned in a smirk. His lips...


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