Chapter 8

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Christmas had been pretty uneventful for Iwaizumi. He and his mother had driven to Tokyo the day after school let out and stayed for a week and a half before making the trek back to Miyagi. The trip was nice, but he was anxious to return home, practically counting down the days. It's not that he hadn't wanted to see his grandparents, he loved them to death, but there was someone else who was taking up a solid 75 percent of the space in his brain the entire time. A someone with the softest hair imaginable and eyes that sparkled when he spoke and who gave Iwaizumi butterflies in his stomach, though he'd insisted to Makki that they were more like moths because "moths are obviously cooler."

After being fed his weight and a half in homemade sweets by his grandmother and receiving an earful from his grandfather about how they don't come visit nearly enough and promising that they would be back soon, he found himself riding back home in the car on New Year's Eve with his mother while some pop song played quietly on the radio. He stared down at the "typing" bubbles signifying that a text would be coming through.

Shittykawa: Okay but you don't understand, it was awful! I almost died!!!

Shittykawa: Like, deceased.

Shittykawa: In an early grave.

Shittykawa: I could've been a ghost haunting you right now.

Iwa-chan <3: That's a terrifying thought. Also, I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad, don't be so dramatic.

Iwaizumi hadn't been prepared for the essay that came through the phone next.

Shittykawa: Well let's see shall we. *puts on reading glasses* My Christmas morning started when Takeru snuck into my bathroom and decided to mix all of my expensive hair products together to make a "potion" or some shit like that. Then my sister decided that the perfect present for me would be a single pair of underwear...with her face on it. -_- My brother-in-law took me aside later in the day and tried to give me relationship advice because "I know that you're lonely, we've all been there buddy." Then, at dinner my mother decided to give a dramatic retelling of my LITERAL CONCEPTION, and to top it all off, dad accidentally bumped into the tree and it fell on me. Let me reiterate that for you. The tree. Fell. On. Top. Of. Me. And everyone just laughed. Dad just shrugged and said "oops, my bad." Like, yes, very much your bad, father! I'm pretty sure I'm still picking pine needles out of my hair...

Iwaizumi had to read through the message a few times to fully take it in before shaking his head and chuckling with a smile on his face. His mother shot him a look, one eyebrow raised. "What was that for?"

Iwa-chan <3: Ya know, and I don't say this very often, but I stand corrected...are you sure you aren't actually dead?

Shittykawa: I'm not so sure, to be honest. Wanna check when you get back? ;)

The tips of his ears burned a bit at that last sentence. "Oh, nothing, just texting Oikawa. Apparently while we were gone he 'almost died,'" Iwaizumi put a dramatic amount of emphasis on the last two words in an attempt to mimic his best friend. When he didn't respond back for a few minutes, he received another message.

Shittykawa: any plans for tonight?

Iwa-chan <3: Umm, sleeping?

Shittykawa: Excuse me!?!?

Iwa-chan <3: I've been in a car all day?

Shittykawa: But Iwa-chaaaaaaan. It's New Year's Eve!! You can't just stay home!

Shittykawa: That's it, I've decided for you. You're coming with me and the asshole twins to a party.

Iwa-chan <3: Do I have a choice?

I Fell In Love With You On New Year's EveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant