Chapter 11

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Fifteen minutes into the first volleyball practice back from Winter break, the doors to the gym slammed open as Matsukawa and Hanamaki slunk in dramatically, not even caring that they were the last to arrive.

The team turned to stare at them and Oikawa frowned, beginning to stomp over to the pair to reprimand them for being late when they simultaneously lifted a hand each, effectively stopping the captain in his tracks with a bewildered look on his face.

Mattsun cleared his throat loudly. "Hear ye, hear ye, residents of Aoba Johsai Volleyball team! We come bearing news that we have all been awaiting for far too long!"

Iwaizumi was getting frustrated now, walking up to where Oikawa was standing, but not getting any further as he was also stopped.

"Now you may be wondering what this incredible news could possibly be," Makki's voice echoed off of the walls of the large room, "so allow me to enlighten you. Mom," he gestured to Oikawa.

"And dad," Mattsun added, turning to Iwaizumi.

"Actually managed to figure their shit out on their own and are finally together and grossly in love!"

The captain and vice-captain stood frozen in place, mouths wide open in shock and unwilling to turn around to face the rest of the team. Eventually, Iwaizumi's face fell and he rolled up his sleeves, to which Oikawa was definitely not complaining about, and set his gaze on the asshole twins, hands in fists. "I swear to fucking god I am going to rearrange your-"

"Shut. Up!" He narrowly escaped prison as Kindaichi practically squealed in happiness. "Like for real!?'

They turned to face the first-year and Oikawa was the one to speak first. "Kin-Kindaichi?"

"Oh, umm, sorry Oikawa san, Iwaizumi san," Kindaichi kicked his feet anxiously, "I, well, we," he gestured to Kunimi next to him.

"No. Keep me out of this," the other deadpanned.

"Sorry! Umm, it's just that, ever since Kitagawa, I've kind of, uh, shipped you guys together?"

"I-I'm sorry?" Oikawa asked incredulously. "You...what?"

"Well, I've just always kind of looked up to you guys and thought that you complement each other really well and, uh, yeah..." Kindaichi trailed off.

Oikawa's face broke into a big smile as he walked over to the first year and ruffled his hair, "You know what Kindaichi kun? You're so right! We really do!" He turned to the rest of the team now, "And yes, the rumors are true, Iwa-chan and I officially became boyfriends over winter break! Though this isn't exactly how we wanted to tell you guys," he shot a glare at the two who were still standing in the doorway as Mattsun blew a kiss his way, "we're just really happy, but we want you all to know that us being together won't change anything about the team or affect our playing."

"Oh no, it will," Watari suddenly spoke up from behind everyone else, "but in a good way. We were all honestly getting really tired of watching you both pine after each other...constantly...every single day. It was painful to watch, really. So, on behalf of the team, thank you both for finally growing some balls so that we can all stop suffering." Everyone was speechless. Nobody had expected Watari, of all people, to be so bold, and the gym erupted into laughter.

"Anyway!" Oikawa wrapped an arm around Iwaizumi's waist and planted a kiss on his cheek, earning an embarrassed blush from his boyfriend "so that's that, I guess. Now that our relationship is out in the open, are there any questions, comments, or concerns?"

Kyotani slowly started to raise his hand, but it was lowered by Yahaba's as he just shook his head.

"But I have a question," Kyotani muttered under his breath.

Yahaba kept his eyes trained forward, "no you don't."

"But, but how do two guys-"

"It doesn't matter."

"But I wanna know?"

"I'll tell you later."

Oikawa clapped his hands. "Alright, if there are none, then let practice resume! Iwa-chan came up with this training regiment specifically to pull out everybody's strengths with the prelims coming up, so I don't want to hear any grumbling." When nobody moved, Oikawa raised his voice and spoke sternly, "now!"

The team reluctantly trudged back to the positions that they had been in before practice had been interrupted.

"Damn, Iwa, I'm pretty impressed. You came up with this all on your own? I'm kind of excited," Makki came up and clapped the ace on the back.

"Oh no, not you two." Oikawa glowered at the late-comers. "You two get to do diving drills for the rest of practice. Now go away," he waved them off.

After the two had shuffled away, muttering indistinguishable insults under their breath, Iwaizumi turned to his boyfriend and finally spoke up. "Oikawa, that was-that was kind of hot."

"Oh? What was, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa cocked an eyebrow suggestively.

"The way that you just. Took charge like that. It was hot." Iwaizumi was smirking on the outside while simultaneously passing away on the inside. Holy shit.

"Well being able to take control is definitely one of my strengths," Oikawa said while running a finger up Iwaizumi's bicep before lowering his voice, "but let's save that for another time when it's just the two of us."

Iwaizumi shuddered.

"Hmm, as much as I want to just grab you and make out with you right here and now, we should probably get back to practice. But we can definitely come back to this conversation again," he winked as he jogged over to the net to start setting for the spikers who were waiting impatiently.

"Y-yeah, another time," Iwaizumi gulped before prying his feet from where they were practically now a part of the floor and joining the others. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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