Chapter 21

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It was the morning of New Year's Eve and Iwaizumi hadn't slept a wink, his mind too cluttered with thoughts and concerns and hopes to sleep. He's spent hours contemplating the decision he was about to make and weighing the pros and cons of how the scenario could potentially play out. Everything in his mind was telling him that this was a bad idea, that he would just be wasting his time and money only to be heartbroken once again. But he also couldn't ignore the fact that everything in his heart was telling him that he needed to at least try.

You know what, fuck it. He threw the covers off of himself violently and sat down at his desk in front of his computer. There was no hesitation at all as he typed into the search bar: "Flights to Argentina today." The cheapest one that he'd been able to find on such short notice was for $1,000 and was leaving in an hour and a half, but he didn't even think twice as he clicked on "purchase."

After quickly throwing the contents of an entire drawer into his bag, not even caring what he had actually managed to pack, he found himself on the way to the airport. Suddenly, he remembered that he had promised his mother that he would be coming home for the holiday and cursed to himself before dialing her number.

It only rang twice before she picked up. "Hey, sweetheart! Are you on your way?"

Iwaizumi bit his lip. "Well...I'm definitely on my way...just not exactly home."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you see, I'm kind of, maybe, on my way to the airport? To catch a flight to Argentina? That leaves in an hour?"

He cringed when he was met with silence, waiting to be yelled at over the line. What he was not expecting was for her to let out a sigh of relief. "Well it's about damn time. I've been getting pretty impatient over here, you know?"

"You've...what? You're okay with this?"

"Yes, Hajime, I am more than okay with this! I was beginning to think that I was going to have to pack you up myself and ship you away to see him."

"Oh my god, mom, what?" they both laughed.

"So you're really doing it, huh?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. I still love him, you know."

"Trust me, I know. I'm your mother."

"I think, I think I'm finally going to tell him how I really feel about him. I don't feel anything holding me back anymore. God, I wish I would have told him before now, but I can't keep it in any longer. I am so in love with him and I just hope he still feels the same way."

"Well, I guess you're about to find out, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I am..." he trailed off for a moment before continuing. "Hey mom?"


"Thank you. For everything. For always being there for me. For being my biggest supporter. For loving me and for loving him. For making us both feel accepted. Just...everything."

"I am pretty great aren't I?" she chuckled. "You don't have to thank me, Hajime. I'm your mother, it's my job. But you're welcome. Just know that I will always be here for you no matter what."

"I love you, mom."

"I love you more than you could ever know. Now stop talking to me and go get Tooru back! Just be safe and please let me know when you're there so I know that your plane didn't crash or anything. That would kind of suck."

Iwaizumi chuckled. "You know I will." He hung up the phone and set his eyes forward, focusing on the road as he pulled into the airport terminal. He smiled to himself, feeling more at peace than he had in a while. This is really happening.

I Fell In Love With You On New Year's EveWhere stories live. Discover now