Chapter 15

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The bus ride to the arena was, to Iwaizumi's absolute shock, surprisingly silent. Whether everyone was still too scarred by what they'd witnessed on the bus, or intimidated by the vice-captain, he didn't really care. He was enjoying the peace and quiet, where he could sit and relax and help Oikawa to relax after the stressful morning. They each had in a blue ear bud that was connected to Oikawa's phone, who insisted on blasting One Direction the whole way there. Iwaizumi pretended to be annoyed, but even he couldn't keep his foot from tapping along to the beat of "Kiss You." When the song was over, he reached over and grabbed Oikawa's face, bringing him into a kiss.

"And what was that for?" Oikawa smiled against Iwaizumi's lips.

"Well the song told me to 'Kiss You,' so who am I to go against what these five British guys say?"

"Actually one of them is Irish," Oikawa mumbled as he started frantically searching through the songs on his phone.

"What the hell are you looking for?"

"Let's Get It On."

Iwaizumi had a puzzled look on his face, "like the Marvin Gaye song?"

"Yup," Oikawa was still scrolling.

"Ok follow up question. Why?"

"Well if you're listening to what songs tell you to do now..."

Iwaizumi smacked Oikawa on the back of the head, "we are not Makki and Mattsun."

Two voiced piped up from the back of the bus. "You rang?"

"Nope!" Iwaizumi and Oikawa blurted out quickly and in unison. They looked at each other and laughed.

When the bus pulled in to the parking lot, everyone began collecting their bags and slowly started to trickle off, except for Kunimi who nearly tripped as he sprinted out the minute the doors opened. Coach shot Iwaizumi a questioning look, but the latter just shrugged. Oh god, the poor kid is going to have trauma connected to this bus.

The captain and vice-captain were the last to exit, making sure that everyone actually got off and in one piece. They were making their way down the stairs when Oikawa's phone dinged, signifying a text, and he physically stopped as he read it.

Iwaizumi was confused, and slightly annoyed at not being able to move further off the bus, "Everything okay?"

Oikawa simply showed him the phone screen.

One New Message From: Ushi-Baka

I see that you have arrived. You would have looked better arriving, however, on Shiratorizawa's bus.

Iwaizumi shuddered as they walked off and looked around. "That's...that's creepy. Where even is he? I don't see him anywhere."

"That's because he's everywhere, Iwa-chan. He's everywhere."

"It-it's okay...I think."

Oikawa shook his head violently and snapped out of his fear-induced trance before turning to address the team, "Alrighty, everyone, this is it! You guys go ahead in with coach and get settled. I'm gonna head to the bathroom quick, so I'll meet up with you all in just a minute." He turned to Iwaizumi, "Iwa-chan, would you care to join me?"

"You're not capable of peeing on your own?"

Oikawa pouted.


What they were greeted with when they made their way to the bathroom was an interesting sight, to say the least.

Oikawa leaned over to Iwaizumi and spoke in a low voice, "hey, Iwa-chan, isn't that the shorty from Karasuno? Why is he staring down the bathroom door? He looks like it just insulted him or something."

"Yeah, I think it is. And hell if I know, he's always been kinda weird every time we've played them."

"Tobio-chan must be rubbing off on him. Oh, I have a great idea!"

"Oikawa, we just came so you could use the bathroom, we need to get back to the team."

"I know, but first put on your most intimidating face...well, you don't really have to, but follow my lead," he whispered as he puffed out his chest and walked up to stand behind Hinata. Iwaizumi sighed before following suit.

"Whatcha doin'?" Oikawa asked in the cockiest voice he could manage and Hinata nearly jumped a foot.

"I-it's the Great King...and Seijoh's ace!" the first-year squeaked, very obviously in distress.

Oikawa smirked, pleased that he had managed to intimidate the smaller boy, and Iwaizumi couldn't help but smile. He's absolutely ridiculous, but I love him. He shook his head and was about to add to Oikawa's fun when another voice appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Oh you have got to be kidding me.

"Hinata Shoyo...oh and Oikawa and Iwaizumi." Ushijima was standing there looking as punchable as ever, and Iwaizumi was surprised that he didn't have to hold Oikawa back from doing just that.

Oikawa scowled, anger apparent on his face "where did he even come from?"

"Hell if I know."

Ushijima continued, "This is the last tournament of your high school career for you two."

Iwaizumi was now just as fired up. "Oh this won't be the last. We're going to beat all of your asses and make it to nationals."

"You know that there can only be one representative, correct?"

"Yeah, and it's going to be-"

"It's going to be Karasuno!" Hinata stuttered out but instantly cowered as Oikawa glared at him.

"Would you please just stay out of this?" he turned to Ushijima then, "you listen here, Wakatoshi, my team is going to shove our win so far up your ass that you won't ever be able to spike again. Oh, and another thing-"

But Oikawa was cut off as another large player, whom Iwaizumi noted as Aone Takanobu from Date Tech, approached the bathroom and greeted Hinata. Date Tech. That's the team we're about to play.

Oikawa had decided that he'd had enough of this conversation and that using the bathroom was no longer a priority, grabbing Iwaizumi's hand and pulling him away.

Ushijima called after them, "I wish you both the best of luck."

"Screw you," Oikawa said as he flipped him off.

Once they had almost made it back to where the rest of the team was (hopefully) stretching and warming up, Iwaizumi stopped Oikawa.

"Look, Iwa-chan, I know that I acted pretty childish back there, but he started it!"

Iwaizumi placed a kiss to his cheek before he spoke. "That was incredibly attractive."


"The way that you stood up for the team and for yourself. I'm so proud to be your boyfriend. Now let's go kick some ass."

"I-Iwa-chan, you're making me blush!"

Iwaizumi laughed as he walked hand-in-hand with his boyfriend to meet up with the others. In that moment, he'd made up his mind. I'm going to tell him that I love him. We're going to beat Shiratorizawa and I'm finally going to tell him that I'm in love with him.

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