Chapter 12

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Sometime during practice, Iwaizumi's mother had left him a voicemail, expressing her distaste for the fact that Oikawa had not yet been to the house since they'd become official and insisted that he was to come over for dinner, making very clear that she would not be taking no for an answer. The setter was happy to oblige.

"Yay! Dinner with my Iwa-chan and Iwa-mom? Like I would ever pass that up!" Oikawa clapped his hands together in delight. "She's okay with," he moved his hands in a circular motion, gesturing to the two of them, "us, right?"

"Are you kidding me?" Iwaizumi chuckled as they began their walk to his house, "I'm pretty sure she would have been even more devastated than me if you'd rejected me."

Oikawa scoffed. "Okay, first of all, like I would have ever rejected you. Second of all, I don't know whether to be offended or happy about that."

Iwaizumi punched the other's arm playfully, "you know what I mean, Loserkawa. But honestly, she really is happy for us. She probably would have locked us in a room together and forced us to talk about our feelings if we'd taken any longer to figure it out ourselves."

"Hmm, but being locked in a room alone with you doesn't sound so bad to me, Iwa-chan. Who knows what could have happened? Maybe you should have chickened out of kissing me again." Oikawa had a mischievous glint in his eye that made Iwaizumi squirm.

"Oh, umm, y-yeah, wh-who knows what could've hap-happened? B-beats me! Ha, ha, ha..." Iwaizumi trailed off with a blush as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. Is this what being in a relationship with him is like? I mean, I'm definitely not complaining, but I'm pretty sure he's going to end up killing me. I hope he has a few nice words to say at my funeral. Maybe the team can come and give me a proper send-off.

Oikawa caught Iwaizumi's hand that was scratching away nervously and brought it down to his side, holding it tight as they continued walking. "You know you don't have to be anxious around me, right? I may be your boyfriend now but I'm still Oikawa. I'm still your best friend. The only thing that's changed is that now I can do this," he grabbed onto Iwaizumi's bicep, "and this," he smacked his butt playfully, "and this," he said stopping in place and bringing the other into a passionate kiss, "all that I want."

Iwaizumi's hands automatically found themselves on Oikawa's waist as he leaned deeper into the kiss, any nerves or anxiety effectively melting away as he melted into his boyfriend, before eventually pulling away, breathless. "I could do that all day," he said placing his forehead against Oikawa's.

"And I would be more than happy to oblige, just maybe not in public."

Iwaizumi looked up to see that they had, in fact, gained the attention of quite a few spectators walking home from school or work. He blushed and quickly grabbed Oikawa's hand before breaking into a sprint, the other happily laughing behind him as he was pulled along.

The pair strolled into Iwa's house thirty minutes later. It normally would have only taken them twenty, but Oikawa had insisted on stopping at the store to buy flowers for Iwaizumi's mother as a thank you for inviting him over.

"Why?" Iwaizumi had asked, "It's not like you don't practically live at my house already."

"But this is different!"

"It's not, though? She's known you since we were eight. You're pretty much the kid that she always wanted."

"You don't get it, Iwa-chan," Oikawa had grown more serious, "yes, I may basically consider her as family, but this is my first time meeting my boyfriend's mother. I just want to be sure that I make a good first impression." When Iwaizumi hadn't responded, he continued. "Please, Hajime? For me?" Oikawa batted his eyelashes.

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