Chapter 13

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In the next couple of months leading up to the Spring High Preliminary Qualifier, Iwaizumi could feel himself falling deeper and deeper in love with Oikawa with each and every passing moment that they spent together.

When they'd gone on a date to the aquarium one weekend.

"Look, Iwa-chan! This one looks like you. Look how angry he is! It's like he's scowling."

"I swear to god I will throw you into that tank and leave you here. Maybe you can date the fish, instead."

"But I don't wanna kiss a fish, I only wanna kiss you!"

When they went on a double date with Hanamaki and Matsukawa to the new karaoke bar after school one day when practice had been canceled, much to Oikawa's delight and Iwaizumi's headache.

"There is no way in hell that I'm singing Love Shack with you. Go ask one of the assholes."

"But Hajimeeeee, you're the only one I want to sing with!"

"Come on, Iwa, just go sing with the man before he cries and I have to dedicate Single Ladies to you."

"Fine. But I'm going to be miserable the whole time."

"Oh, I'm sure you will."

When Iwaizumi's anxiety was eating away at him and Oikawa came over and simply let him be, rubbing his head and whispering soothing words to calm him down.

"Shhhh, everything is okay. I'm here now; you're going to be okay."

"B-b-but how can you say that? How can you even want to be with someone like me? You're so amazing and special and I'm so...not."

"Hajime, I may have regretted a lot of things throughout my life, but you have never been, and you never will be, one of them."

When the stars one night were just "too beautiful to pass up," so they laid on the ground, the only heat in the chilly winter air coming from themselves, pushed tight against one another."

"Why did you make me do this, Shittykawa? I'm freezing my fucking ass off; it's going to look like yours."

"Words hurt, Iwa-chan. But also, I just wanted to share something beautiful with the most beautiful person I know."

"Dammit...come here."

When Iwaizumi had beaten Kyotani in an arm wrestle and Oikawa was latched onto his bicep for the rest of the day, bragging to anyone and everyone about "how buff my boyfriend is."

"You know you can let go now, right? And you don't need to tell every person we pass in the hallway."

"But why would I ever do that, Iwa-chan? That was the hottest thing I've ever seen and I just want people to know how lucky I am Also, I like making them jealous."

When Oikawa doubted that he was good enough to be captain, convinced that the team would be better off if he wasn't.

"Do you know how stupid you sound right now?"


"There is literally not one other person on this team as good as you are at drawing out everyone's potential and, as much as we may not want to admit it, we all look up to you and would follow you anywhere. We're proud to call you our captain."

When they were sitting on Oikawa's bed together, scrolling through Instagram and making fun of people, when Oikawa's blurry post captioned "Tobio is no match for Oikawa-san!" popped up.

"Oh my god, when the hell did this happen?"

"Well, I was out with Takeru at the youth arena the other day and Tobio-chan just popped up out of nowhere and asked for my expert advice on-"

"You know what, forget I asked. I don't want to know."

"But he bowed to me, Iwa-chan! It was amazing!"

When they were going to go all the way, but Iwaizumi realized that he wasn't ready and was sure that Oikawa would hate him, but he was met with so much love and understanding that his heart nearly burst.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I know that I shouldn't have started if I wasn't ready, but I just thought that things would be different in the heat of the moment and that maybe I could-"

"Hajime, look at me. I am not mad at you. I'm proud of you for being honest with me about how you feel. I could never be mad at you over something like this. We don't ever have to do anything you don't want to do. I want us both to be 100% sure before taking that next step, and I'm willing to wait as long as that takes."

"I don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world. Now come here, I'm going to cuddle you so hard."

On the night when they finally did.

"And you're completely positive that you want to do this?"

"I am."

"Because I don't want you to feel like you owe anything to me. I'm just happy to be with you and would be totally content just laying down and watching a movie or something, or we could order take-out and-"

"Oh my god, would you please shut up and just kiss me? I'm 100% sure. I'm ready, Tooru."

"You're so amazing."

Every night when Iwaizumi stared at the snow globe that Oikawa had given him as he fell asleep, watching the glitter settle and feeling completely at peace.

I love him so much.

To Iwaizumi, everything about Oikawa was perfect. From the way that he giggled in between kisses, and tucked his hair behind his ear, and stuck his tongue out ever so slightly when he was concentrating on something. How he led the team with pride and inspired everyone to be their best. How Iwaizumi was completely and utterly, head-over-heels in love with him and wanted more than anything else to let him know, but also wanted to wait so that the moment was perfect.

They were solid. Everything about their relationship was perfect. But of course, most things don't typically stay perfect forever...

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