Chapter 3

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"Ugh, practice was brutal today," Oikawa sighed out dramatically as he flopped down on Iwaizumi's bed, snuggling down into the warmth.

"Umm, no, you were just being lazy," Iwaizumi scowled down at him, "and would you please get your sweaty ass off of my pillow?"

Oikawa peeked up from beneath the blanket with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Make me."

"Alright, but you asked for this," Iwaizumi smirked as he roughly yanked the pillow out from beneath his best friend and smacked him hard in the face, earning a rewarding yelp.

"Iwa-chan! Watch my hair!" Oikawa shrieked through his laughter as he was already grabbing hold of the other pillow on the bed and swinging wildly.

"Oh, I'm watching, and I'd say that this is actually quite the improvement."


"Don't be rude, you asshole, you're just jealous of my luscious locks!"


"Yeah okay, pretty boy."

Whack. Whack. Whack.

Before Iwaizumi and Oikawa knew it, they had become a mess of limbs and blankets and pillows and feathers on the bed, laughing so hard that they were clutching their sides in a feeble attempt to steady themselves.

All at once, the realization of the position that he and Oikawa were in hit Iwaizumi in the face like a brick wall. They were so close, literally on top of one another. So close that he could see the lights in the room sparkling in his big, brown eyes. So close that he could just reach out and touch his hair...It does look really soft. One touch probably wouldn't hurt...He reached his hand out...

"Well would you look at this. It appears that I've travelled back in time and my boys are ten again," came the chuckling voice of Iwaizumi's mother from the doorway. "It's nice to see you, Tooru; you haven't been over in a few weeks. I was starting to worry that my son had finally managed to scare you off."

Oikawa had always loved Iwaizumi's mother like his own. She had been there for him through some pretty awful times and he felt a special closeness to her. She was the first person that he had told that he was bisexual, even before his own parents or best friend. She held his hand and let him cry on her couch when his first girlfriend dumped him because he was "too focused on volleyball." She had always made sure that he was invited on every family trip and included in every family activity, knowing that his parent's didn't always have much free-time to spend with him. She made sure to cheer for him just as much as (and sometimes more than) her own son at their games, from the time that they were children to now. She had always made him feel loved.

"Mom!" Oikawa tried to sit up but was promptly smacked back down into the bed with a pillow, "Ouch! You wound me Iwa-chan," he turned to his friend's mother, "I've missed you too! I wish I could've come over more but practice has been kicking my ass. There are going to be scouts at the Miyagi Prefecture Inter-high Qualifier and I need to make sure I'm at my best but I'm so nervous! Like, what if I mess up?"

Like you could ever mess up. You're literally perfect at everything.

"Oh that's wonderful!" she clapped her hands together; "I just know that they're going to love you, dear. You'll be amazing, I know it."

"Thanks mom!" he wore a wide, toothy grin on his face. "But no, your awful son hasn't managed to scare me off just yet. He's currently on pretty thin ice tho-"


"Oops. My hand slipped," Iwaizumi shrugged. Oikawa shot him a glare.

Iwaizumi's mother laughed again as she watched her son and the boy that she considered one of her own wrestle on the bed for control of the pillows for a moment. She knew her son better than he knew himself sometimes, and could sense the subtle but apparent difference in the interaction, but decided that this was something that he needed to figure out on his own. She would only intervene if she needed to which, knowing how dense her son could be, she figured was more probable than not. "Well then, I'll leave you boys to it. Try not to hurt each other too bad and let me know if you need anything. Also, Tooru dear, please make sure you bundle up before you leave, it's getting pretty chilly out there and I wouldn't want you to catch a cold." She turned around and left the room with a knowing smile on her face.

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