Chapter 7

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Things were pretty much normal for the next two weeks, seeing as though the new "normal" for Iwaizumi was filled with time dreaming about Oikawa, talking about Oikawa, being with Oikawa, and simply just pining after Oikawa. They had always been close, but this was on a completely different level that he didn't think he necessarily minded. He just longed to be near him, drawn in by the powerful magnetic force that was Oikawa Tooru, captain and setter of the Aoba Johsai Volleyball Team.

In the span of two weeks there had been four after-school coffee outings with Makki and Mattsun where the former drilled holes into Iwaizumi's head the entire time with suggestive glances and smirks, three sleepovers that included cheesy movies and lots of popcorn and snuggling, two dreams that jolted Iwaizumi awake in a cold sweat in the early hours of the morning, and one near-kiss when the two had been baking brownies to surprise and congratulate Iwa's mother on her promotion at work. What had started as following a simple recipe on the back of the brownie-mix box quickly evolved into a food fight that resulted with flour on the floor, eggs on the wall, and batter on both of their faces.

"You have brownie batter on your face, Loserkawa."

"Wanna come have a taste?"

Iwaizumi had barely made it out of that night alive.

But now it was the week of Christmas and Oikawa had demanded that the team hold a party to celebrate the holidays together before going their separate ways until after the New Year. When school resumed in a couple of weeks, the team would be putting in more hours and doing more intense training in preparation for the upcoming prelims.

"Do we have to?" Yahaba had asked after practice a few days prior to the party. "Can't we just like, say 'Merry Christmas,' and leave?"

Oikawa took in a sharp breath, a look on his face that would have been akin to if Yahaba had just kicked a child. "Absolutely not! We are all going to be holly jolly and you are all going to like it. I will force you to have fun you bunch of fun-suckers."

"Wow, really great insult," Kunimi muttered under his breath and Kindaichi snickered at his side.

"Yeeeeeah, count me out," Kyotani frowned, "the less time I have to spend with you people the better."

Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi with pleading eyes, "Iwa-chan, help me out here!"

The vice-captain sighed before turning to face the team. "Please, guys?"

There was a long pause before Mattsun spoke up. "Well, all you had to do was ask."

"I did!" Oikawa yelled.

"That wasn't directed at you captain," Makki laughed.

And so the team found themselves sitting in a circle in the middle of the gym being "forced to have fun" and exchanging presents. Watari had taken the time to paint ornaments for everyone in the mint and white team colors, complete with their numbers on the front. Yahaba handed out coupons for "one free sarcastic comment" each. Kindaichi had baked cookies with his grandmother the weekend prior and she'd insisted that he "bring them in for all of his lovely friends." They were actually quite tasty. There were blank stares all around as Kyotani handed out silverware, claiming that everyone "should be thankful to be getting anything at all." Makki and Mattsun had gone together to get the team some...rather interesting posters for the changing room. Oikawa shook his head, knowing that they would most definitely not be allowed, but that resistance against the two of them was futile.

When it got to Kunimi, he stood up and handed out pairs of fuzzy socks to everyone before turning to Makki and Mattsun. "And for you two," he held out a beautifully wrapped gift addressed to the two of them.

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